因為疗伤而开启了胶原蛋白契机… 品牌创办人曾琬媛,从完全沒有习惯食用保健品,到为了疗手伤找寻营养品过程,在朋友推荐下才真正认识胶原蛋白,並认真专研改变对保健品的认知。 為了最佳的效用和食用安全,露奇亚只使用有效成分,不添加糖、人工香料,即使坚持使用优质成分,让开发产品难度更高,但我們愿意承担起這样的责任与挑战,致力研發适合亚洲人体质的安心健康营养品。 台湾31家 tomods日式药妆店 、川越药局、雪仁药局、诚品书店和 i GLAMOUR商场皆有上架
→ Hydrolyzed collagen contain of hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine peptide collagen from Japan 100 years above Company Nippi (3000 Dalton) → 3000mg Fish peptide collagen → Each color added different 500mg compound ingredients for better absorption and effects → Ruijia Collagen contain ZERO sugar, fats, seasoning, artificial and preservatives. →...
→Hydrolyzed collagen contain of hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine peptide collagen from Japan 100 years above Company Nippi (3000 Dalton) → 3000mg Fish peptide collagen → Each color added different 500mg compound ingredients for better absorption and effects → Ruijia Collagen contain ZERO sugar, fats, seasoning, artificial and preservatives. → Top...
→Hydrolyzed collagen contain of hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine peptide collagen from Japan 100 years above Company Nippi (3000 Dalton) → 3000mg Fish peptide collagen → Each color added different 500mg compound ingredients for better absorption and effects → Ruijia Collagen contain ZERO sugar, fats, seasoning, artificial and preservatives. → Ingredients...
→Hydrolyzed collagen contain of hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine peptide collagen from Japan 100 years above Company Nippi (3000 Dalton) → 3000mg Fish peptide collagen → Each color added different 500mg compound ingredients for better absorption and effects → Ruijia Collagen contain ZERO sugar, fats, seasoning, artificial and preservatives. → Ingredients...
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