Mamacubatry Meditots Mozzie Patch

MMCT- Meditots Mozzie Patch

Meditots Mozzie Patch contains natural citriodora eucalyptus essential oil which effectively repels mosquitoes. 

Each patch is individually packed to maintain freshness and long-lasting effect. Effective for use both indoor and outdoor. 

Effectively repel mosquitoes with natural ingredients, no skin contact, safe for kids, individually packed for freshness, large patch size, wide coverage, soothing smell and adorable design.

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5.0 /5
108 Reviews

Comel dan berkesan

Pakaikan untuk sikecil bagi mengelakkan gigitan nyamuk....sekecil tak perasan pun tampal patch ini kerana terlalu comel sgt...



    Patch semua comel-comel , bau dia tak menyakitkan hidung , balik kampung memang wajib bawa , tak semua nyamuk lari tapi kurang lah gatal kat anak-anak . Orang dewasa pakai pun sesuai .


      Cute and best patch

      Use it for my niece whenever she goes out to playground or outside. Also to my students during their field trip to mini hiking. It was very useful..m


        the best mosquito repellent!

        Repellant Cream, lotion and spray may caused irritation so I never apply on my toddler. Meditots Mozzie Patch is the most effective n the best choice


          ? GO AWAY MOSQUITO ???

          WE need Meditots Mozzie Patch. IT, No skin contact, Large patch size, Natural ingredient, Individual wrapped. NO WORRIES MOSQUITO.


            Mamacubatry Meditots Mozzie Patch

            Mamacubatry Meditots Mozzie Patch sangat bagus kerana menjadi pelindung untuk anak dari gigitan nyamuk pada wktu malam dan pagi. dengan design yg menarik dan bau sangat wangi. very recomended


              MCT Meditots Mozzie Patch

              Saya dan anak saya sudah mencuba MCT Meditots Mozzie Patch ni. Kami pakai semasa membuat aktiviti readah di kawasan yang ada pokok. Sudah pasti banyak serangga seperti nyamuk & sebagainya. Dengan menggunakan MCT Meditots Mozzie Patch, tiada ganguan dari pelbagai serangga dan kami dapat beriadah dengan gembira. Terima kasih motherhood kerana bagi kami peluang untuk mencuba produk yang bagus ni.


                Patch Dengan Design Menarik dan Tahan Lama

                Terima kasih untuk peluang mencuba Meditots Mozzie Patch yang sangat comel dan menarik ni!!
                1. Anak-anak suka sebab patch berbentuk lakaran kartun
                Little Pony
                2. Mudah dipakai, dicabut dan sesuai digunakan di dalam
                rumah ataupun di luar rumah,
                3. Ketahanan yang lama, pakai sebelum tidur jam 10
                malam, masih bertahan baunya sehingga ke pagi.
                4. Nyamuk pun tak berani datang dekat lagi lepas pakai
                Cuba letak di baby cot adik afiya, ternyata, tidur lena,
                nyamuk pun tak kacau dah!!
                Senang cerita anak-anak suka, isteri saya pun suka!!
                #MamaCubaTry #MCTMeditots #Meditots #MozziePatch


                  Mozzie Patch

                  Very attractive design and it is very convenient to take anywhere as the patch is in an individually packed, one patch in a large size and wide coverage. We will use it when we are out for camping or hiking. My kids love it so much as they said it is very effective to repel mosquitoes.


                    meditots mozzie patch

                    喜欢用这个meditots的mozzie patch,因为女儿很喜欢它的设计,每次都要选用哪一个。我喜欢它的味道,不会很浓,闻了不会觉得不舒服。它的独立包装设计很容易带出门,黏在衣服上很稳不容易掉。驱蚊也很棒哦!


                      Suka Meditots Mozzie Patch Sangat2!

                      Haritu pergi farmasi and the staff introduce I Meditots Mozzie Patch, so I beli la cause harga dia pun okay. I suka sangat2! Nyamuk x kacau and patch ada cute design. Mmg best!


                        MCT Meditots

                        Stick the patch on the clothes, pant or shoe, is really safe for kids because no skin contact and very convenient to bring along when we go out. It is convenient to use when the kids is at indoor also.


                          Go away Mosquito

                          WE need Meditots Mozzie Patch !
                          -No skin contact
                          -Large patch size
                          -Natural ingredient
                          -Individual wrapped

                          Go away Mosquito !!!


                            MEDITOTS MOZZIE PATCH

                            Setiap seisi keluarga wajib simpan MEDITOTS MOZZIE PATCH nie. Pelekat penghalau nyamuk nie senang untuk digunakan letak sahaja dekat pakaian,topi,kereta sorong,perabot dan beg.Sebagai ibu ,dah tak risau anak kena gigit nyamuk lagi.

                            Untuk aktiviti luar pun sesuai digunakan dan mudah. Memang terbaik pelekat nyamuk nie , 5 bintang saya bagi


                              Mozzie patch for kids

                              Mozzie patch for kids.. nyamuk pun tak dekat dah.. korang pun patut cuba untuk anak2.. boleh dapatkan di Guardian juga


                                Pelekat Penghalau Nyamuk Meditots

                                Cuba Meditots pelekat penghalau nyamuk ini pada baju dan katil anak. Anak suka kerana baunya tidak kuat dan menenangkan mereka semasa tidur. Ia diperbuat daripada bahan semula jadi dan memang menghalau nyamuk dengan berkesan. Recommend!


                                  Best Mozzie Patch for my kids!

                                  My friend introduced Meditots Mozzie Patch with me and it works on my kids! Last weekend we went for family picnic and got my kids to choose the patch and stick on their shirt. They didn't scratch their hands or legs and get to enjoy the picnic session together


                                    MCT Meditots Mozzie Patch

                                    Love it, kid-friendly and convenient to use. Good! :)


                                      Meditots 有效防蚊贴




                                        自从用了Meditots的Mozzie Patch后,真的很有效地驱蚊。之前孩子去一趟公园回来就一堆蚊泡,现在都黏了Mozzie Patch在衣服鞋子上,蚊子都不来了。喜欢它的独立包装,不用担心会泄露味道。而且孩子非常喜欢它的设计,十分可爱。味道也很温和,闻起来淡淡的香味,很舒服。


                                          Mamacubatry - MCT Meditots Mozzie Patch




                                            Very good product! Meditots Mozzie Patch very attractive and my family love it.

                                            1. Effectively repel mosquitoes with natural ingredients
                                            2. No skin contact
                                            3. Safe for kids
                                            4. Individually packed for freshness
                                            5. Large patch size
                                            6. Wide coverage
                                            7. Soothing smell
                                            8. Adorable design



                                              We tried several brands of mosquito repellent patches before and fell in love with Meditots Mozzie Patch. The price is reasonable too that we can get it from Guardian or Watsons. It is really effective to use in both indoor or outdoor. It can maintain long-term freshness and effect after using it.


                                                Effective product

                                                My daughter sleeps well with having Meditots Mozzie Patch on her back. It contains natural citriodora eucalyptus essential oil which effectively repels mosquitoes and the smell is very soothing.


                                                  sangat berkesan

                                                  Meditots Mozzie Patch sangat berkesan dan tida bau yang kuat. Saiz patch ini tampalan besar dan liputan luas. Tiap-tiap kali anak bermain di luar rumah, saya akan melekat satu pada baju dia melindungi dari gigitan nyamuk.


                                                    good and effective patches

                                                    My girl brought it to school and share to her friends as she loves this patch so much, it is in individually packed so easy for her to keep in the bag. It is very effective for her and the kids in the school like to apply also. They love it because of the cute unicorn design too. The parents have the interested on the products and would like to try for their kids.



                                                      Wherever indoor or outdoor, it is very effective and can provide a long lasting protection for my kid. Not only can use on the clothing but the place like bed, shoe, stroller and etc. It contains with natural ingredients which effectively repels mosquitoes. Avoid to let the kids get in touch with the patch when applying on them for safety purpose!


                                                        Meditots Mozzie Patch



                                                          Mozzie Patch

                                                          Patch nyamuk ini memang best! Coraknya comel dan baunya tidak kuat, sangat menenangkan. Sebagai ibu memang ingin anak dapat dilindungi dan dapt tidure dengan aman tanpa gangguan


                                                            Meditots Mozzie Patch - Mantap!

                                                            Aqilah selalu kena nyamuk gigit, nampak kulit dia banyak dgn nyamuk gigit sampai I x berani bawak dia keluar ke taman. Haritu discover dgn Meditots Mozzie Patch, mantap giler! Ia lekat dekat baju / stroller anak, dapat halaukan nyamuk. Balik rumah x nampak sebiji nyamuk gigit pun!



                                                              很好用!味道不会很重而且设计真的很可爱。一旦出门,家里的小孩都会问我要贴Meditots的防蚊贴。在家里的时候我们还会贴在孩子的床边和他们的衣物上,可以在晚上入睡的时候有个好眠~ 和蚊子说bye bye咯!



                                                                有时会带着儿子出去走走,每次回到家,就会有蚊子包。但是那天用了Meditots Mozzie Patch 贴在宝宝的衣服后方后,就没有蚊子包!很!开!心!真的很好用!有时还会给宝宝自己选防蚊贴的图案


                                                                  Meditots Mozzie Patch

                                                                  Always bring along this Meditots Mozzie Patch with me when we are going out. It is very effective as my son is easily get mosquitoes bite. The smell is also soothing and not too strong. The design is also very cute and attractive.


                                                                    Mct meditots mozzie patch

                                                                    Sangat berkesan, anak tidor lena bila lekat tepi katil dan nyamuk pun tiada dan tidak risau jika anak sesak nafas, terima kasih mamacubatry motherhood pilih saya sebagai tester


                                                                      Away from Mosquitoes!

                                                                      My son always get bite from naughty mosquitoes! Whenever after sleep or outdoor activity he will get bite 1-2 irritant marks.

                                                                      I’m tried this Meditots Mozzie Patch and it’s work. I like it because it come with individual pack and cute colourful cartoon. It super easy to be use .

                                                                      Meditots Mozzie Patch is made from 100% natural citronella, which can effectively repel mosquitoes and protect your whether indoors or outdoors, it can provide long-term protection.

                                                                      Just apply patches on clothing, stroller, furniture, etc., and it is very convenience to use and bring it everywhere!


                                                                        Mozzie patch from meditots

                                                                        Sekarang ni musim panas..nyamuk pun jadi banyak bila nak tidur malam.Bangun pagi habis tgk badan anak kena gigit nyamuk.Nak pakai ubat nyamuk atau spray ubat nyamuk anak tak selesa sbb tak suka bau nya yang busuk. Tetiba dapat la sample mozzie patch ni.
                                                                        Mozzie patch ni dia mcm sticker. Tampal je kat mana nak asalkan bukan pada kulit. Pada baju ke, stroller ke, tilam ke...anak Nisa seronok pakai sebabnya bau dia sedap,tenang je...lepas tu sticker dia gambar menarik. Nisa dapat corak my little pony mmg lg seronok la dorang nak pakaikan. ingatkan sticker mcm ni tak menjadi tp alhamdulillah tiada lagi masalah kena gigit nyamuk. Terima kasih @meditots_mozzie dan kerana sudi share sample ni. Nak bebas nyamuk dengan anak gembira boleh la cuba mozzie patch ni
                                                                        #mamacubatry #mctmeditots #meditots #mozziepatch



                                                                          sgt berbaloi untuk dibeli .. boleh bagi anak2 tido dengan sgt nyenyak malam2


                                                                            MCT Meditots Mozzie Patch

                                                                            . Anak-anak saya sangat suka menggunakan Mozzie repellent patch ketika melakukan aktiviti luar .Mediators Mozzie Patch sangat selamat untuk kanak2 kerana menggunakan bahan semulajadi disamping mempunyai pelbagai design kartun pelbagai warna yg menarik minat ank2 Saya menggunakannya .Terima kasih Motherhood ❤️


                                                                              bau serai wangi yg sgt kuat

                                                                              1 jam pertama keberkesanan nya 100% jam².
                                                                              mudah digunakan & paling penting selamat, anak pon suka sgt sbb corak nya comel²


                                                                                Meditots Mozzie Patch

                                                                                Meditots Mozzie Patch is effectively repel mosquitoes with natural ingredients, it was safe for kids, my children use it everyday to school, it was individually packed for freshness and has a large patch size it has soothing smell and adorable design so that children will definitely love it.


                                                                                  sangat berkesan

                                                                                  MOZZIE patch PELEKAT PENGHALAU nyamuk adalah ubat nyamuk inovasi terbaru yang sangat berkesan untuk menghalau nyamuk. Terbuat dari bahan semua jadi yang Selamat untuk kanak-kanak, senang digunakan. Hanya perlu tampal di baju, stroller atau pun barang barang anak anda.

                                                                                  MOZZIE patch sangatlah portable, senang dibawa kemana saja, di datangkan dengan disain dan corak yang sangat cantik, ada corak unicorns yang comel comel. Anak anak pun suka.

                                                                                  MOZZIE patch dengan PELEKAT yang sangat kuat, ia melekat kuat bila digunakan dan bau dia wowww bau serai Wangi dan ada bau lavender juga...


                                                                                    Mct meditots mozzie patch

                                                                                    Great design! It is so cute. And, it is kinda useful especially when i bring my kid to hang out at the park!


                                                                                      Mamacubatry - MCT Meditots Mozzie Patch

                                                                                      Meditots Mozzie Patch is really effective. Brought it along when we are going outdoors and it can repels mosquitoes very well. It can be sticked on clothes, shoes or even stroller. Love their individual packaging, very hygiene and can stay fresh.


                                                                                        Mamacubatry - MCT Meditots Mozzie Patch

                                                                                        Very good in repelling mosquitoes. My kid loves the unicorn design and she wants to choose which she wants to use everytime. Each patch is packed individually, very convenient and easy especially we are going to the park. It has a very nice eucalyptus smell which is soothing and not too strong.


                                                                                          MCT -Meditots Mozzie Patch

                                                                                          Anak anak suka patch ni, drg suka main diluar rumah. Patch senang nk guna. Patch pulak datang character kartun yang anak suka, so lagi excited drg nak tampal di baju. Utk keseluruhan memang recommended utk anak anak yg aktif main di luar rumah.. Kalau pakai dalam rumah pon ok. Bau patch pon sedap n nyaman..


                                                                                            Safe mosquito patch

                                                                                            I super love this mosquito patch because it is safe with natural ingredient, and easy to use as just need to paste on the shirt. It is effective as the 100% natural citronella scent is quite strong and so far my child has no mosquito bite when she goes to play at park. The cartoon is cute too and my girl loves to use it. It is individually packed and hence can maintain its effectiveness better. Besides that, it is non contact to the skin and will not cause any allergic reaction. It can even be used for baby too! I will surely recommend to my friends to use it!


                                                                                              Meditots Mozzie Patch

                                                                                              My son loves outdoor activity. Meditots Mozzie Patch keeps my little one safe from mozzie bites while he outs in the great outdoors. The texture is nice and it can be used on all surfaces. Meditots Mozzie Patch provides a soft pleasant fragrance, not aggressive. The unique formulation wards off mosquitoes and insect bites effectively and naturally. My child can plays safer and longer. Insects will be a bad memory with this patch.
                                                                                              Moreover, the design of the patch are cute, children like it as sticker to put on their cloth.


                                                                                                Meditots Mozzie Patch

                                                                                                Meditots Mozzie Patch
                                                                                                Mosquito Repellent Patches

                                                                                                The best thing about this patch is each patch is individually packaged to maintain freshness and long shelf life.
                                                                                                The use of natural ingredient and no skin contacts make the product safe for kids.
                                                                                                It contains natural essential oil which effectively repels mosquitos.
                                                                                                I recommend you all this patches.


                                                                                                #MamaCubaTry #MCTMeditots
                                                                                                #Meditots #MozziePatch


                                                                                                  Meditots Mozzie Patch

                                                                                                  Meditots Mozzie Patch is made from 100% natural citronella, which can effectively repel mosquitoes and protect your loved ones.
                                                                                                  Each patch is individually packed to maintain freshness and long-lasting effect.After received and try,my kid very happy can playing outdoor without mosquito kiss.


                                                                                                    Good product ! ❤

                                                                                                    Terima kasih atas memberi saya kesempatan untuk review brng ini , brng yg lama saya idamkan untk anak sy , ank sy sngt suka dia kata sngt cmel , dn sngt bkesan trma msih motherhood ❤❤❤❤


                                                                                                      Pelekat penghalau nyamuk terbaik

                                                                                                      Sebagai ibu, saya sangat seronok bila anak-anak dapat tidur aman tanpa gangguan nyamuk .❤️
                                                                                                      Pelekat penghalau nyamuk Meditots Mozzie Patch sangat berkesan menghalau nyamuk.❤️
                                                                                                      Ianya mengandungi bahan semulajadi serta selamat untuk kanak-kanak.❤️
                                                                                                      Pelekat ini mudah digunakan dengan hanya menampalnya pada baju/ langsir/perabot serta alatan lain yang sesuai di dalam rumah mahupun di luar rumah.❤️
                                                                                                      Anak -anak saya sangat sukakan bau pelekat ini yang lembut serta rekaannya yang menarik.❤️
                                                                                                      Saya syorkan ibu-ibu lain juga menggunakan pelekat penghalau nyamuk Meditots Mozzie Patch ini kerana ianya sangat mudah digunakan dan di bawa ke mana-mana termasuk ketika bercuti atau riadah di taman..,☺️
                                                                                                      Terima kasih


                                                                                                        No more noisy buzzing around my kids!

                                                                                                        Easily stick on the clothes, and i did not see any mosquitoes buzzing around my kids!Superb Products


                                                                                                          Melindungi anak dari gigitan nyamuk

                                                                                                          Meditots mozzie patch memudahkan mama utk bawa anak keluar tanpa risau digigit nyamuk. Ianya peleket penghalau nyamuk yang mudah digunakan serta senang dibawa ke mana-mana dengan hanya tampal di baju dan seluar.

                                                                                                          Meditots mozzie patch selamat digunakan oleh kanak-kanak kerana tidak ditampal diatas kulit. Ia didatangkan dengan corak cartoon my little pony yang comel.

                                                                                                          Meditots mozzie patch amat berkesan melindungi kulit anak dari gigitan nyamuk serta selamat digunakan


                                                                                                            My daughter favourite mosquito repellent

                                                                                                            Finally I found the best mosquito repellent for my daughter, now she can happily play without worries about mosquito bites. Compare to other types of mosquito repellent this is the best one for her


                                                                                                              Mudah & berkesan

                                                                                                              Meditots Mozzie Mosquitoes Repellant Patch pilihan inovasi yang memudahkan tugas saya sebagai ibu melindungi si kecil dari gigitan nyamuk dalam semua keadaan.Memang mudah bila dah xperlu risau anak menggaru & menangis bila aktiviti seharian terganggu kerana ia mudah di tampal di baju,seluar & topi yang sedang dipakai.

                                                                                                              Kandungan minyak eucalyptus citriodora juga selamat kerana ia bebas kimia yang membuat kulit kekal selesa & sihat.

                                                                                                              Kelebihan patch❤️
                                                                                                              Kandungan semulajadi yang selamat
                                                                                                              Tidak perlukan sapuan di kawasan kulit
                                                                                                              Sesuai seusia 3-9 tahun
                                                                                                              Didatangkan dengan corak kartun yang menarik minat anak-anak
                                                                                                              Masa perlindungan sehingga 12 jam

                                                                                                              Buat ibu-ibu yang tercari produk berkesan melindungi kulit anak-anak dari gigitan nyamuk,patch ini amat sesuai sebagai pilihan terkini yang selamat & berkesan.
                                                                                                              #MamaCubaTry #MCTMeditots #Meditots


                                                                                                                Meditots mozzie patch

                                                                                                                Meditots Mozzie Patch menghalau nyamuk dengan effective dan berkesan. Saya hanya tampal di baju anak atau di tepi bantal sahaja. Sangat mudah digunakan dan selamat untuk anak-anak. Anak-anak dapat tidur lena tanpa gangguan nyamuk. Tidak perlu pasang lingkaran nyamuk atau semburan nyamuk lagi. Sesuai dilekatkan di tepi katil,di dalam kelambu dan sesuai juga untuk mereka yang suka aktiviti lasak di hutan. Ianya juga senang ditanggalkan. Baunya juga menyegarkan.
                                                                                                                #MamaCubaTry #MCTMeditots #Meditots #MozziePatch


                                                                                                                  Mozzie patch good

                                                                                                                  Anak saya suka dan selesa pakai mozzie patch nie..saya pernah try brand lain.. tapi bila cuba mozzie patch nie hati tertarik.. anak suka sebab ada gambar comel2.. lagipun mudah nak guna..just lekat kat baju..selamat ye puan2 untuk anak2 kita..nyamuk pun tak berani nak dekat..bau dia kuat.. anak happy mak pun happy..tiada lagi gigitan nyamuk pada badan anak saya..tq mamacubatry bg saya cuba mozzie patch nie


                                                                                                                    Say bye bye to Mozzies

                                                                                                                    Say bye bye to Mozzies with MCT Meditots Mozzie Patch. Buy it, use it, love it!


                                                                                                                      Meditots Mozzie Patch

                                                                                                                      My kids love it so much! They always request to choose the cartoon as they like it very much. I really like the patch because easy to bring and get to keep my kids from mosquito bites.


                                                                                                                        Cute but powerful patch

                                                                                                                        Honestly, this brand patch works way better than the other patches i have tried before. The eucalyptus essential oil scent is quite strong and very pleasing to smell. The designs are sooo cute, my daughter thought they were stickers, so I had to patch them at her back. The scent last quite a while too. Usually my daughter gets mosquito bites from her grandma's home but after using this, she didnt get any and slept on the way home. Highly recommended!



                                                                                                                          very good to use! and convenient to bring along when going out. we love it very much and always keep the patch with us wherever we go.


                                                                                                                            Best ever

                                                                                                                            Saye pernah try jenama lain. Tapi tak berkesan sangat. Yang ni sangat bagus. Bila pergi taman wajib guna Meditots Mozzie Patch ni. Tak perlu susah2 nak bawak minyak lagi ☺️


                                                                                                                              MEDITOTS MOZZIE PATCH

                                                                                                                              Anak2 suke Meditots MOZZIE PATCH ni sebab anak2 suka main luar rumah beriadah di taman.... Biase risau Kene gigit nyamuk semenjak cuba MEDITOTS MOZZIE PATCH ni nyamuk tak berani nak dekat dengan ank2 pun seronok bermain


                                                                                                                                Cute and pleasant smell

                                                                                                                                My both kids are almost everyday wearing them as they like the kiddy stickers and the smell is not too pungent unlike other mosquito repellant. So this is a very safe mosquito patch to wear on for any children including my newborn baby!


                                                                                                                                  Great Mozzie Repellent Patch

                                                                                                                                  This is my second time using mosquitos repellent patch. My first purchase of mosquitoes repellent patch give me not so good impression.
                                                                                                                                  But when I saw Motherhood offer this Meditots Mozzie Patch sampling. I feel want to apply for my kids. Firstly because of the attractive packaging. The design of the patch is so cute with cartoon design

                                                                                                                                  When I opened the package, I'm so shocked because all the patch was packed individually. And i can smell the slightly lemongrass flavour.

                                                                                                                                  During evening outdoor activities, I let both kids use the patch. I'm so happy because my kids can enjoy the activities without mosquitos bite. The patch also sticks very well on their shirt. I love the lemongrass smell so much. I  can say this Meditots Mozzie Patch better than the one I bought before. This one can give more long-lasting effective protection for my kids. After peel the patch, it won't left any mark on the shirt.

                                                                                                                                  I had suffered by dengue before. So this Meditots Mozzie Patch will in my pocket list to protect my kids ♥️

                                                                                                                                  ✅ Easy to use
                                                                                                                                  ✅ Contain natural essential oil
                                                                                                                                  ✅ Can use indoor and outdoor
                                                                                                                                  ✅ Effective repellent
                                                                                                                                  #MamaCubaTry #MCTMeditots #Meditots #MozziePatch


                                                                                                                                    MCT Meditots Mozzie Patch

                                                                                                                                    Meditots Mozzie Patch

                                                                                                                                    Penghalau nyamuk sangat berkesan dengan bahan semula jadi, tiada sentuhan kulit, selamat untuk kanak-kanak, dibungkus secara berasingan untuk kesegaran, bau yang menenangkan, reka bentuk yang comel dan pemakaian sangat senang.

                                                                                                                                    Saya tak perlu risau lagi bila nak kluar rumah atau pun dimana saja, karena anak bebas daripada gangguan nyamuk.



                                                                                                                                      MCT Meditots Mozzie Patch

                                                                                                                                      As a parent, I will always give my loved one the best and most suitable stuff.
                                                                                                                                      I will choose the stuff where safe & good for them.
                                                                                                                                      Especially my boy loves outdoor activities, so I have been trying a few types of mosquito repellent: lotion type, spray type, and repellent sticks.
                                                                                                                                      I Choose the Meditots Mozzie patch because it is convenient to bring and use.
                                                                                                                                      The smell is good and my kid can accept it.
                                                                                                                                      It is perfect for outdoor activities and usually we often bring him to the park & playground
                                                                                                                                      It can provide long-term protection during outdoor activity.
                                                                                                                                      Meditots Mozzie Patch does not contain DEET and is suitable for all ages, including children It is individually packaged and medically sealed to maintain maximum potency and freshness.
                                                                                                                                      It comes with a cute sticker design, so the kid definitely will be happy to stick it on their shirt/pants, or shoes.

                                                                                                                                      #MamaCubaTry #MCTMeditots #Meditots


                                                                                                                                        Meditots Mozzie Patch



                                                                                                                                          Review for MCT Meditots Mozzie Patch

                                                                                                                                          Having blood type O, my daughter always attracts mosquitoes, especially in outdoor. While it is not practical to plant the citronella everywhere, Meditots Mozzie Patch has become our best alternativeto help my daughter repel the annoying uninvited guests.

                                                                                                                                          It is extremely easy to use. Just patch it on shirt or dress and she is good to go. No direct skin contact is required when applying the patch, saving us from the risk of skin irritation.

                                                                                                                                          The smell can be overwhelming at first, but we get used to it pretty quickly. I believe the more pungent the smell, the more effective is the repellent. A bonus point for Meditots Mozzie Patch for its long-lasting smell. There is no need for frequent change and my kid can play outdoor without any worry.

                                                                                                                                          More importantly, the design on the patch is irresistibly adorable. My little princess is reluctant to remove it even though we are at home.

                                                                                                                                          #MamaCubaTry #MCTMeditots #Meditots


                                                                                                                                            Meditots Mozzie Patch

                                                                                                                                            Gigitan nyamuk pastinya membuatkan kulit anak menjadi bintik merah, kadangkala akan meninggalkan parut pada kulit. Lebih ditakuti, gigitan nyamuk Aedes yang boleh menyebabkan Deman Denggi.

                                                                                                                                            Kini, Saya tidak perlu risau kerana Meditots Mozzie Patch melindungi daripada gigitan nyamuk dan serangga lain. Meditots Mozzie Patch ini boleh digunakan dimana-mana sahaja berada, samada di dalam rumah mahupun diluar. Anak saya bebas bermain dan tidur malam pun buat si manja lebih lena tanpa gigitan nyamuk.

                                                                                                                                            Meditots Mozzie Patch ini selamat digunakan dengan formulasi penghalau nyamuk semulajadi dengan 10 'sealed patch' dalam satu kotak. Boleh guna untuk seisi keluarga tau

                                                                                                                                            - DEET free - Selamat untuk kanak-kanak dan orang dewasa

                                                                                                                                            - Perlindungan sehingga 12 jam maksimum

                                                                                                                                            - Tiada skin contact

                                                                                                                                            - Pelekat tampalan yang boleh dilekatkan pada pakaian, perabot,kereta sorong ,bag dan sebagainya.

                                                                                                                                            - Sealed patch dibalut secara individu untuk keberkesanan tahan lebih lama

                                                                                                                                            - Saiz tampalan lebih besar dengan reka bentuk dan gambar yang menarik

                                                                                                                                            #MamaCubaTry #MCTMeditots
                                                                                                                                            #Meditots #MozziePatch


                                                                                                                                              Hassle free and convenience on the go

                                                                                                                                              As someone who is prone to getting bitten by mosquito, I always lookout for effective repellents. Recently I had the opportunity to try out the Miditots Mozzie Patch. I was initially skeptical about the efficiency of the patch but was pleasantly surprised at how well it worked. The patches are infused with natural ingredients and I particularly loved the pleasant, non-overpowering scent. The patch releases a pleasant scent that repels mosquitoes without causing any discomfort. The small, adhesive patches are incredibly easy to use and apply. The individually sealed patches retain their potency until we're ready to use them, providing hassle-free and convenience on the go. Applying them is simple. Just peel off the backing and stick them onto the clothes or any fabric surface. I found this to be particularly beneficial for my kids, as they tend to forget about reapplying repellent. This patch is a must-have and I truly recommend giving these patches a try. With the Miditots Mozzie Patch, I had peace of mind knowing we are protected throughout the day.


                                                                                                                                                Feel free with Meditots Mozzie Patch

                                                                                                                                                With meditots mozzie patch i feel free to bring my daughter to do outdoor activities anytime and anywhere. My daughter love so much the design which is very cute for her. After this i'll selected this type patch again.


                                                                                                                                                  Cute design!!

                                                                                                                                                  love the design so much. as well as suitable for girl! my daughter keep remind me if im forgot to bring along when we are outing. also love the ingredients which is Natural Citriode Eucalyptus Oil. recommended!


                                                                                                                                                    Meditots Mozzie Patch

                                                                                                                                                    Pelekat yang mudah digunakan dan berkesan menghalau nyamuk terutama ketika anak tidur. Tiada lagi gatal gatal kesan gigitan nyamuk. Hanya perlu lekatkan di kawasan berdekatan sama ada di baju, katil dan sebagainya. Designnya pon menarik dari kartun kesukaan anak anak, “My Little Pony”. Produk ini juga selamat digunakan kerana diperbuat dari bahan natural dan mempunyai bau wangi seakan bau serai. Terbaik sekali demi keselesaan anak anak .


                                                                                                                                                      The Best Natural Repellent I’ve Ever Tried!

                                                                                                                                                      Such a lifesaver! We’ve been using it for weeks now, and not gonna lie, no more mosquito dramas!


                                                                                                                                                        Meditots Mozzie Patch

                                                                                                                                                        The fragrance is not heavy, and it is very suitable for sticking to children's clothes. It can't completely drive away mosquitoes, but at least it can reduce mosquitoes' proximity to children.


                                                                                                                                                          Meditots Mozzie Patch - Fun Meets Protection

                                                                                                                                                          Our eldest son favours Meditots Mozzie Patch a lot more compared to normal lotion mosquito repellant. I also don't have to worry about skin rashes since we can just patch it on clothes.


                                                                                                                                                            MCT MEDITOTS MOZZIE PATCH

                                                                                                                                                            pemakaian sangat senang..nyamuk pon tak mendekat dah..anak anak pon suka bau nya...


                                                                                                                                                              Anak suka Mozzie Patch

                                                                                                                                                              Thank you for made this product... packaging comel sngt setiap pelekat tu ada gambar yg menarik anak2 sy tak sabar nak guna lekat kat baju, semgt betul mereka tu siap ckp.. "nnt nyamuk tk gigit da".. wangian serai yg slmt utk ank2 sy trutama yg msih baby, sy sbg mama anak 3 yg msih kecil sngt menyarankn ibu2 d luar sana utk mencuba Mozzie Patch ni, terbaik.


                                                                                                                                                                mighty patch

                                                                                                                                                                individual pack: senang nak bawak ke mana saja
                                                                                                                                                                printed cartoon: anak2 excited nak guna & nak pilih sendiri which character they like
                                                                                                                                                                fresh scent: bau kuat tapi tak menyengat hidung.anak sukakan baunya.
                                                                                                                                                                patch type: senang lekat je kat extra tools needed
                                                                                                                                                                effectiveness: so far anak dah guna 3 hari, tak ada kesan gigitan nyamuk.biasanya dia mmg selalu kena gigit & dlm rumah mmg byk nyamuk.


                                                                                                                                                                  Life saver patch

                                                                                                                                                                  Living in a tropical climate like Malaysia, compulsory to have patches like this to protect our loved ones from harmful insects like mosquitoes


                                                                                                                                                                    MCT Meditots Mozzie Patch

                                                                                                                                                                    Meditots Mozzie Repellant Patch protect against your child from mosquitoes and insects.
                                                                                                                                                                    Now is the hot season, so a lot of mosquitoes come out. My child always become target of mosquitoes. They complaint skin very itches after bitten by mosquitoes and cause a lot of wounded in their body. This makes me headache! How I protect them?
                                                                                                                                                                    Luckily, I found my savior, Meditots Repellent Patch. My child love it so much since it is design with adorable sticker. It is convenient to attach at my child clothes with firmly due it is large patch size and wide range.
                                                                                                                                                                    It is suitable for us even adult when go camping, hiking, gardening, golfing. The most important is the patch is made by natural eitriodora eucalyptus oil. It is safe for kids using and no skin contact since patch at clothes. The best one is there no have any sticky residue after appeal the patch.
                                                                                                                                                                    Meditots Mozzie Patch can protect us for long lasting about 12 hours. So, what waiting for? Meditots Mozzie Patch is your best choice for you and your family!



                                                                                                                                                                      Mudah dan selamat

                                                                                                                                                                      Pelekat penghalau nyamuk ni memang best. Sentiasa bawa dalam handbag. Kadang-kadang Mama suka bawa anak-anak makan malam kat kedai yang konsepkan kebun atau dalam taman. So keluarkan dari handbag boleh terus lekat kat baju anak. Tak payah nak demand tuan kedai suruh spray ubat nyamuk. Sama jugak time balik kampung. Kita tak nak kecilkan hati orang tua. Kadang-kadang bila kita spray ubat nyamuk, hati tuan rumah terasa macam kita tak selesa dengan rumah dia. So Mama just tempek pelekat ni kat baju anak, tak ada siapa sedar. Anak pun selamat dari nyamuk. So far this patch really help me.


                                                                                                                                                                        Pelekat penghalau nyamuk MCT Meditots Mozzie

                                                                                                                                                                        pelekat ni berbau serai wangi,baunya segar menenangkan dan ianya berkesan menghalau nyamuk. Sangat senang untuk digunakan, hanya perlu lekatkan pada pakaian anak-anak. Bila bangun tidur dan anak balik sekolah atau dari bermain sekitar kawasan luar rumah, saya check badannya dah takde kesan gigitan. Sebelum ni banyak kesan gigitan walau dah pasang ubat nyamuk cecair jenis elektrik.


                                                                                                                                                                          pelekat penghalau nyamuk MCT Meditots mozzie

                                                                                                                                                                          kebelakangan ni cuaca tak menentu,sekejap panas dan sekejap hujan jadi nyamuk sangat banyak terutamanya waktu pagi dan maghrib. pasang ubat nyamuk jen


                                                                                                                                                                            Meditots Mozzie Patch: the perfect solution to getting mozzies o

                                                                                                                                                                            I love that the patch is made from non-toxic and natural ingredients. My girl loves cos it is cute while mum loves it cos it helps keep off mosquitoes


                                                                                                                                                                              MCT Meditots Mozzie Patch

                                                                                                                                                                              Easy to use ..just open and patch to my kids cloth.I don't have to worried anymore to do outdoor activities


                                                                                                                                                                                MCT Meditots Mozzie Patch

                                                                                                                                                                                Kini saya tidak risau lagi Bila anak menemani sy ketika berkebun kerana Mozzie Patch membantu menghalang nyamuk Dari menggangu aktiviti kami.
                                                                                                                                                                                Sememangnya Mozzie Patch Pilihan kami sekeluarga.


                                                                                                                                                                                  Cute and Nice

                                                                                                                                                                                  MEDITOTS MOZZIE MOSQUITO. REPELLENT PATCH is a natural, effective mosquito repellent patch which is safe for your love one.

                                                                                                                                                                                  ❣️Natural ingredient (Eucalyptus Citriodora Oil)
                                                                                                                                                                                  ❣️No DEET
                                                                                                                                                                                  ❣️No skin contact
                                                                                                                                                                                  ❣️Large patch size
                                                                                                                                                                                  ❣️Safe for kids
                                                                                                                                                                                  ❣️No side effects
                                                                                                                                                                                  ❣️Long Lasting up to 12 hours
                                                                                                                                                                                  ❣️Excellent protection against mosquito bites
                                                                                                                                                                                  ❣️Individually wrapped for longer lasting efficacy
                                                                                                                                                                                  ❣️Suitable for indoor and outdoor activities (like camping, hiking, golfing, gardening etc)

                                                                                                                                                                                  Easy to carry everywhere. Just tear the pouch remove the patch, attach & press firmly on cloth, shoe or baby stroller. Keep away from children’s reach and NOT ON SKIN


                                                                                                                                                                                    Meditots Mozzie Patch

                                                                                                                                                                                    My son have a sensitive skin. Living with the insect area was a tough for me as a mom. Im always think what solutions to handle this situation other than using repellent spray.

                                                                                                                                                                                    Luckily i get this Meditots Mozzie Patch from motherhood. I like this patch because :

                                                                                                                                                                                    - Cute animals designs and bright packaging
                                                                                                                                                                                    - Individual packed easy to travel
                                                                                                                                                                                    - Natural ingredients which is citriodora eucalyptus oil
                                                                                                                                                                                    - No skin contact just attach on the clothes/shoes
                                                                                                                                                                                    - Safe for kids
                                                                                                                                                                                    - Perfect for camping, hiking, golfing, gardening etc
                                                                                                                                                                                    - Offer up to 12 hours prot
                                                                                                                                                                                    - Large patch size and wide coverage


                                                                                                                                                                                      Meditots Mozzie Patch offers effective

                                                                                                                                                                                      Meditots Mozzie Patch offers effective and convenient mosquito protection for my kids. It's chemical-free and applied to clothing or bedding, creating a barrier against mosquitoes and bites. Perfect for sensitive skin, it provides 12 hours of continuous protection, eliminating the need for frequent reapplication. Safe and non-invasive, it safeguards against diseases, allowing worry-free outdoor enjoyment for my children.

                                                                                                                                                                                      #MamaCubaTry #MCTMeditots #Meditots



                                                                                                                                                                                        My daughter suffers from Mozzie bites almost every morning in school compound.
                                                                                                                                                                                        I received this product and stuck it on her socks, and she told me no more mossies near her. And the smell of this patch is pleasant and not too empowering or pungy to the nose. Is definitely kids friendly.
                                                                                                                                                                                        I would prefer patches than spray or hang type.

                                                                                                                                                                                        Thank you meditots for coming out with this product.


                                                                                                                                                                                          Meditots Mozzie Patch

                                                                                                                                                                                          My son like the Mozzie Patch so much. It is very convenient to use and I believe all the kids sure like it because of the cute design ☺️


                                                                                                                                                                                            Sangat Berkesan!!

                                                                                                                                                                                            Tidur anak menjadi lena setiap malam dan tiada lagi kesan gigitan nyamuk atau serangga yang gatal..


                                                                                                                                                                                              Meditots Mozzie Mosquitoes Repellent Patch Your Ultimate Protect

                                                                                                                                                                                              As a parent, I'm always on the lookout for an effective and safe solution to shield my kids from pesky mosquito bites. Finally, I've discovered the perfect answer with the Meditots Repellent Patch.

                                                                                                                                                                                              What sets this patch apart is its natural and DEET free formula. It's crafted without any harmful chemicals, ensuring a safe experience for my little ones.

                                                                                                                                                                                              Applying the patch is a breeze, thanks to its adorable sticker design. I found it incredibly convenient to attach it to my kids' clothes, shoes, stroller, and more. The best part? It doesn't leave any sticky residue, adding to its appeal.

                                                                                                                                                                                              With just a simple stick on application, the Meditots patch provides up to 12 hours of reliable protection against mosquitoes.

                                                                                                                                                                                              Enjoy worry free adventures with Meditots Mozzie.

                                                                                                                                                                                              #MamaCubaTry #MCTMeditots #Meditots


                                                                                                                                                                                                MCT MEDITOTS MOZZIE PATCH IS SO GOOD

                                                                                                                                                                                                My daughter love these things! They're such a better alternative compared to sticky bug spray. They actually like wearing the sticker because of the fun designs and pleasant scent. In regards to the scent, this product uses all natural ingredients so it is very safe to use and is actually pretty effective. My daughter uses these when we go hiking and we have noticed a decrease in the amount of pests that bother her. For adults, i may need to wear more than one as the scent isn't overwhelming so if you have a sticker on your shirt, you'll probably need one on your pants/shorts as well. And a little tip, if you kids wear a hat while hiking put a sticker on that as well. This is an effective and fun product that will protect your kids during your adventures in nature.



                                                                                                                                                                                                  Attractive mosquito repellent

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Apart from its attractive appearance for kids, it is very useful in preventing mosquito bites. My kids use one patch at night and it seems that this patch really works. Happy kid, happy mom ❤️


                                                                                                                                                                                                    Cute and Effective

                                                                                                                                                                                                    My daughter always get mosquito bites wherever she goes. She will always be the one among her friends in the same class being targeted by the mosquitoes. Hence mosquito repellent is my daily need, as I need it to prevent her from suffering the itchiness, marks, and most importantly away from Aedes.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    I love Meditots Mozzie Patch as it comes with extremely cute designs, large patch and easy to use. My daughter could stick it on her clothes independently. The patch is individually wrapped, and the Eucalyptus scent could last up to 10-12 hours. No more irritated marks on the skin when returns from school each day. This is a great repellent which is so convenient and on-the-go!


                                                                                                                                                                                                      MCT MEDITOTS MOZZIE PATCH

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Musim raya balik kampung Faham2 je lah kampung bila malam banyak nyamuk, meskipun dah pasag ubat nyamuk.. Sekarg dah xperlu risau lagi degan ada nya MCT MEDITOTS MOZZIE PATCH just tampal2 blkag baju anak ataw seluar selesai.. Nyamuk xdatang lagi, bau MOZZIE PATCH ni wangi sagat2 seakan2 bau minyak urut serai tu, betul2 berkesan nyamuk xdatang pada anak best sagat2, anak tidur degan selesa Aman damai.. Klw pergi taman pun boleh lekat sahaja pd baju anak senag kerja mak2.. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 BINTAG saya bg


                                                                                                                                                                                                        Meditots Mozzie Patch Review

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Meditots Mozzie Patch corak yg menarik,mudah digunakan,bauan yg tak menyengat sangat membantu anak² sya.


                                                                                                                                                                                                          MCT Meditots Mozzie Patch

                                                                                                                                                                                                          This is very helpful for all mommy when we go for camping, hiking and when balik kampung. It suitable for all ages. It smell so relaxing.


                                                                                                                                                                                                            Mozzie Away

                                                                                                                                                                                                            • Yes Meditots, No mosquitoes •

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Being out in the sun for almost 4 hours, no mosquitoes or bugs dare to come near.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Even when my girl is wearing short-sleeved shirt and shorts, she came home with zero mosquito bite.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            But how?
                                                                                                                                                                                                            With Meditots Mozzie Patch of course!

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Meditots Mozzie Patch is made from 100% natural citronella, which can effectively repel mosquitoes and thus protect my girl from being bitten by one!

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Whether indoors or outdoors, I am convinced and strongly believe that Meditots Mozzie Patch can provide long-term protection for my girl.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Just apply patches on clothing, stroller, carrier, furniture or wherever necessary, and the best thing is NO skin contact is required!

                                                                                                                                                                                                            I patched one on her shirt and another one on her shorts, so that she’s well protected from head to toe

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Meditots Mozzie Patch also does not contain DEET so it’s suitable for all ages, including children.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            It is individually packaged and humidically sealed, so as to maintain maximum potency and freshness.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Thanks @meditots_mozzie for the great product!


                                                                                                                                                                                                              Good and colourful

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Meditots Mozzie Patch Effective immediately. Colourful patch children like it,and love to bring it out when doing outdoor activities


                                                                                                                                                                                                                MCT Meditots Mozzie Patch

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Dhia dan Noah sejenis kulit yang sensitif terutamanya bila digigit nyamuk. Jadi, Meditots Mozzie Mosquitoes Repellant Patch sangatlah penting tak kira di rumah atau kemana-mana sahaja. Ia adalah tampalan pelekat yang boleh dilekatkan pada pakaian, perabot, kereta sorong, beg dan banyak lagi. Sangat mudah dipakai dan dibawa kemana-mana.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Sangat sesuai untuk aktiviti luar juga seperti berkhemah, mendaki, bermain golf, berkebun dan sebagainya.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Jangan risau tau mommies, ianya formulasi semulajadi dan selamat untuk kanak-kanak. Anak selesa Ibu Happy♥️

                                                                                                                                                                                                                #MamaCubaTry #MCTMeditots #Meditots


                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Tidak risau dengan gigitan nyamuk atau serangga lagi

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Bila kat rumah atau keluar ke mana-mana kena ada Meditots Mozzie Mosquitoes Repellant Patch sekarang ni. Ia adalah tampalan pelekat yang boleh dilekatkan pada pakaian, perabot, kereta sorong, beg dan banyak lagi. Memang nyamuk atau serangga lain tak masuk dekat pun tau. Anak-anak pun senang hati bebas meneroka tanpa risau dengan gigitan nyamuk dan serangga lagi.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Dengan pelbagai reka bentuk yang menarik. Nak guna pun senang sahaja hanya tampal pada sebarang permukaan seperti pakaian, topi, beg, kereta sorong dan sebagainya.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Pelekat ni sangat sesuai untuk aktiviti luar juga seperti berkhemah, mendaki, bermain golf, berkebun dan sebagainya.



                                                                                                                                                                                                                    《Meditots Mozzie Patch》驱蚊贴
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    #MamaCubaTry #MCTMeditots #Meditots #MozziePatch


                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Meditots Mozzie Patch

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      keluar rumah dengan yakin.tiada lagi nyamuk dan serangga menyerang anak²..selamat digunakan,bau wangi tidak mengganggu hidung.corak yang menarik!terbukti berkesan.tq @meditots_mozzie memahami keperluan ibu².#mamacubatry #MCTMeditots#meditots @meditots_mozzie


                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Meditots Mozzur Patch

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Surprisingly with the result. My daughter used it when we go picnic, this tiny patch really effect to avoid mosquito. Recommended

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Write a review

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mamacubatry Meditots Mozzie Patch

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mamacubatry Meditots Mozzie Patch

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Meditots Mozzie Patch contains natural citriodora eucalyptus essential oil which effectively repels mosquitoes. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Each patch is individually packed to maintain freshness and long-lasting effect. Effective for use both indoor and outdoor. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Effectively repel mosquitoes with natural ingredients, no skin contact, safe for kids, individually packed for freshness, large patch size, wide coverage, soothing smell and adorable design.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Write a review

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