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Health Paradise Organic Rolled Oats (500gmx3) [Trio Combo]


Our organic certification process guarantees that Health Paradise organic products meet all standards and laws defining and regulating organic products internationally by the International Federation Organic Agriculture Movement (IFOAM) from farm to packaging. Our organic oats has the rich aroma of oats, taste creamy, less starchy and tender, which is an excellent choice for everyone especially infants.

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Ingredient: 100% Organic Rolled Oats

Stove top cooking direction (One serving): Add 5 table spoon of HP Rolled Oats together with 210ml water or milk into a cooking pot. Cook for 3 to 5 minutes with medium heat and serve.

  • No chemical additives
  • No preservatives
  • No pesticides
  • Certified halal
  • Suitable for vegetarian

Certified halal

Proses pengesahan produk Organik Health Paradise sudah terjamin dilihat dari standar undang-undang yang mentakrifkan dan mengawal selia organik produk internasional dari Internatioanal Federation Organic Agriculture (IFOAM) dari ladang untuk pembungkusan. Organik oat kami kaya akan aroma oat, rasa berkrim, kurang air dan tender, yang mana menjadi pilihan terbaik untuk semua kalang terutama bayi.

Ramuan : 100% oat kasar Organik

Arahan memasak atas dapur (satu Hidangan) : Tambahkan 5 sudu dari HP Rolled Oat bersama dengan 210ml air atau susu dalam periuk memasak. Masak dalam 3 atau 5 minit dengan panas yang sedang dan hidangkan.

  • Tiada kemikal
  • Tiada Pengawet
  • Tiada Racun Perosak
  • Bersijil Halal
  • Sesuai untuk vegetarian
  • Certified halal


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Health Paradise Organic Rolled Oats (500gmx3) [Trio Combo]

Health Paradise Organic Rolled Oats (500gmx3) [Trio Combo]

Our organic certification process guarantees that Health Paradise organic products meet all standards and laws defining and regulating organic products internationally by the International Federation Organic Agriculture Movement (IFOAM) from farm to packaging. Our organic oats has the rich aroma of oats, taste creamy, less starchy and tender, which is an excellent choice for everyone especially infants.

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