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Sangat vagus, Dan harga sangat berbaloi...
Suitable for the whole family Soothens skin Made from natural ingredients
Suitable for all skin types 100% Original Tropika product Safe for Babies
Suitable for all skin types Safe for Babies 100% Original Tropika product
Best natural remedy for colic in baby. Suitable for all skin types Safe for Babies 100% Original Tropika product
No parabens or colouring Steroid free 100% Original Tropika product It supports healthy hair growth giving baby's hair a shinytexture and bouncy volume. It provides the essential proteins for hair nourishment andgro
No parabens or colouring Steroid free 100% Original Tropika product It supports healthy hair growth giving baby's hair a shinytexture and bouncy volume. It provides the essential proteins for hair nourishment andgro
Tropika baby products is generally well known with its virgin coconut oil. It provides various benefits from head-to-toe for both baby and children. It provides all kinds of cheap baby care products including herbal cream, baby oil lavender, natural bubble wash and soap lavender. Utilizing the properties of nature and ingredients, it has been clinically proven to nourish baby skin and fight infection.