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Tidy Tot Snack & Doodle™ – the snack bags that think they’re a toy! Turn these these brightly coloured snack bags over to find a detachable water doodle mat and refillable water pen for hours of creative fun! Durable, reusable and large enough to hold a packed lunch for even the hungriest of toddlers, the back of the water doodle mat also doubles as a...
New Cover & Catch Short Sleeve Bib is the perfect compact coverall bib for our all year round hot and sunny days, making mealtimes easier for both baby and parents!
If your little one is messy and active, then Tidy Tot Long Length Coverall Bib with sleeves is the perfect all-rounder and is sure to become your new best friend!
Brand new baby washcloths! These beautifully soft and re-usable bamboo wash mitts encourage fuss-free face wiping and put the play into clean-up time!
Messy mealtimes are part and parcel of teaching a baby to self-feed (also known as baby-led weaning). There are many benefits to self-feeding, like developing fine motor skills, building confidence and creating a positive relationship with food. But it can also be stressful for parents dealing with a messy baby, highchair and floor every single meal...
Keep mealtimes clean and mess-free whilst still allowing your baby to explore with products by Tidy Tot. With a variety of products like baby bibs, bibs, baby tray, high chair tray, high chair and many more that are designed to keep the mess minimal, your baby will be able to learn to self-feed and play with their food to their heart’s content, without causing you a headache about all the mess that needs to be cleaned up later. Shop for these baby products and more at now to enjoy online promotion and deal!
Pastikan bahawa waktu makan anda kekal bersih semasa masih boleh membiarkan bayi anda belajar dengan produk daripada Tidy Tot. Dengan pelbagai jenis produk seperti bib bayi, kerusi bayi, barang baby, barangan bayi, barangan bayi murah dan lain-lain lagi yang direka khas untuk memastikan bayi dan sekelilingi bayi anda kekal bersih sementara masih boleh membiarkan bayi anda belajar menyuap diri dan bermain dengan makanan mereka. Dengan produk mereka, anda tidak perlu risau tentang kotoran yang disebabkan oleh bayi anda yang perlu dibasuh nanti. Beli barangan baby online di sekarang untuk mendapat promosi yang terbaik sekarang!