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Japanese formulation with well-balanced essential nutrients 100% produced and packed in The Netherlands Undergoes stringent quality control with double inspection process Balanced ratio of AA + DHA, GOS, Nucleotides & 27 key nutrients, suitable for Asian children Mild vanilla taste & reduced sweetness Halal certified by the Halal Inspection...
Japanese formulation with well-balanced essential nutrients 100% produced and packed in The Netherlands Undergoes stringent quality control with double inspection process Balanced ratio of AA + DHA, GOS, Nucleotides & 27 key nutrients, suitable for Asian children Mild vanilla taste & reduced sweetness Halal certified by the Halal Inspection...
Japanese formulation with well-balanced essential nutrients 100% produced and packed in The Netherlands Undergoes stringent quality control with double inspection process Balanced ratio of AA + DHA, GOS, Nucleotides & 27 key nutrients, suitable for Asian children Mild vanilla taste & reduced sweetness Halal certified by the Halal Inspection...
Japanese formulation with well-balanced essential nutrients 100% produced and packed in The Netherlands Undergoes stringent quality control with double inspection process Balanced ratio of AA + DHA, GOS, Nucleotides & 27 key nutrients, suitable for Asian children Mild vanilla taste & reduced sweetness Halal certified by the Halal Inspection...
Japanese formulation with well-balanced essential nutrients 100% produced and packed in The Netherlands Undergoes stringent quality control with double inspection process Balanced ratio of AA + DHA, GOS, Nucleotides & 27 key nutrients, suitable for Asian children Halal certified by the Halal Inspection Authority of Netherlands
Japanese formulation with well-balanced essential nutrients 100% produced and packed in The Netherlands Undergoes stringent quality control with double inspection process Balanced ratio of AA + DHA, GOS, Nucleotides & 27 key nutrients, suitable for Asian children Halal certified by the Halal Inspection Authority of Netherlands
Japanese formulation with well-balanced essential nutrients 100% produced and packed in The Netherlands Undergoes stringent quality control with double inspection process Balanced ratio of AA + DHA, GOS, Nucleotides & 27 key nutrients, suitable for Asian children Halal certified by the Halal Inspection Authority of Netherlands
-Japanese formulation with well-balanced essential nutrients -100% produced and packed in The Netherlands -Undergoes stringent quality control with double inspection process -Balanced ratio of AA + DHA, GOS, Nucleotides & 27 key nutrients, suitable for Asian children -Halal certified by the Halal Inspection Authority of Netherlands
Consists of all the ingredients that are good for your babies, Morinaga specialise in infant formula powder that will give your baby a full healthy benefit. Available for babies from the age range of 0 to 3 years old, this milk powder from Morinaga will always find ways to adapt to the countries they are marketing to in order to better fit their clients’ prospects.
Terdiri daripada semua bahan makanan yang bagus untuk bayi anda, Morinaga merupakan jenama yang khusus dalam menghasilkan susu bayi yang penuh dengan khasiat. Sesuai untuk bayi anda yang baru lahir hingga 3 tahun, susu bayi dari Morinaga ini menjadi lebih istimewa kerana formulanya akan sentiasa berubah bagi menyesuaikan dengan setiap negara.