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A rich decadent chocolate drink Rich with natural lactogenic ingredients such alfafa extract, fenugreek extract and dates powder Suitable to help busy breastfeeding mothers to produce more breast milk.
Mom More Milk's Superfood Chocolate Lactation Brownies is a decadent brownie recipe packed with potent galactagogues ingredients such as Pure Alfalfa, Organic Fenugreek & Dates. A must-try for all mother who have tried all other milk boosters in the market to no avail!
First 3 days consume 2-3 pieces daily. Then consume 1-2 pieces daily to maintain good supply. If you have major supply issues, we recommend to combine with our Lactation Brownies as the lactogenic ingredients content are very different and our happy customers report a major boost of supply when combined.
A delightful treat of delicious soft baked lactation cookies with the irresistible Hershey's Chocolate Chips to help boost breast milk production. With wholesome natural lactogenic ingredients such as rolled oats, organic flaxseed meal, wheat germ and pure malt - this is definitely a great treat for nursing mothers.
Delicious soft baked lactation cookies bursting with tangy fruity flavour Packed with lactogenic ingredients such as rolled oats, pure malt, organic flaxseed meal & wheat germ
If you’re worried about not being able to produce sufficient milk to satisfy your baby’s huge appetite, why not get milk boosters from Mom More Milk? Created by a breastfeeding mother who was looking for a healthier and more natural way to increase milk supply, she decided to compile all the recipes given to her by her friends to create the products in this brand. Not only that, these handmade lactation cookies are made out of natural ingredients, and created right in her very own kitchen. Each product contains a variety of natural lactogenic ingredients to ensure that you will be able to produce breast milk of good quality and quantity. Shop for these baby products and more at now to enjoy online promotion and deal!
Jika anda risau bahawa anda tidak boleh menghasilkan susu ibu yang mencukupi untuk memastikan bayi anda akan kenyang, anda boleh mencuba makanan ibu daripada Mom More Milk. Syarikat ini dicipta oleh seorang ibu yang sedang menyusu, dan handak mencari cara yang semula jadi dan sihat untuk menghasilkan lebih banyak susu. Dia mengumpulkan pelbagai resepi yang diberi oleh kawan-kawannya dan memulakan syarikat ini. Semua produknya diperbuat oleh bahan semula jadi dan diperbuat dari dia diri sendiri, di dalam dapurnya. Produk ini memang sesuatu yang perlu dikandungi di dalam pemakanan ibu menyusu kerana mempunyai pelbagai bahan yang boleh menambah kualiti dan jumlah susu yang dihasilkan. Beli barangan baby online di sini sekarang untuk mendapat promosi yang terbaik sekarang!