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HUMBI KINDERGO 360 JAZZ BABY CAR SEAT 360 Jazz Carseat comes with 4 beautiful design, can use from newborn up to 36kg, can rotate 360. Got 5 YEAR WARRANTY (COVER ON MECHANICAL PARTS ). GET YOURS NOW!
HUMBI KINDERGO WIZZ BABY CAR SEAT Convertible car seat Features: ~Suitable for Group 0 & 1. ~0 - 18kg (Newborn up to 4 years old) ~Installation: Conventional Seat Belt only ~ Have 4 types color ~Head Rest Padding & Body Padding ~20 cm(bottom harness) & 31cm (higher harness) ~4 Recline Positions with 5 points safety harness system ~ECE...
HUMBI KINDERGO WIZZ BABY CAR SEAT Convertible car seat Features: ~Suitable for Group 0 & 1. ~0 - 18kg (Newborn up to 4 years old) ~Installation: Conventional Seat Belt only ~ Have 4 types color ~Head Rest Padding & Body Padding ~20 cm(bottom harness) & 31cm (higher harness) ~4 Recline Positions with 5 points safety harness system ~ECE...