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Website ini sangat berguna buat kami yang bergelar ibu
Sangat vagus, Dan harga sangat berbaloi...
Made from 100% food grade Silicon BPA Free PVC Free Non-Toxic
Specially made for all the mothers who are having problems with their breast milk, it’s time to shoo away your concern with products made by Babyjumi. Famous for their lactation cookies; Milky Bites, Babyjumi produces products that are best fit for all the moms out there. Other than that, Babyjumi also offers a range of the ever practical breast milk storage packet, making sure you will always have something to give to your little ones no matter how hectic your day is.
Dirumus khas bagi para ibu menyusu, tiba masanya untuk atasi masalah kekurangan susu dengan produk daripada Babyjumi. Terkenal degan biskut laktasi mereka; Milky Bites, Babyjumi mengeluarkan produk yang sesuai dengan semua para ibu. Selain itu, mereka juga menghasilkan bekas penyimpanan susu ibu yang praktikal supaya si kecil tidak akan kelaparan tidak kira betapa sibuk hari anda.