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Perfect feeding food tray which comes with a transparent cover so that it is easy to take on the go!
Perfect feeding food tray which comes with a transparent cover so that it is easy to take on the go!
Perfect feeding food tray which comes with a transparent cover so that it is easy to take on the go!
Develop your child’s teeth with these cute, wide selections of teether from Ange. Designed in cute fruits design to attract your little one’s attention, these baby teething products from Ange is crafted in a lightweight material finished with a smooth construction for a full protection for your baby’s oral cavity. Support your child’s teeth enhancement with these products from Ange.
Bantu pertumbuhan gigi bayi anda dengan alat gigi yang betul. Dibuat dengan corak buah-buahan yang comel, produk gigi bayi ini diperbuat daripada bahan yang ringan dan mempunyai bentuk yang praktikal bagi membantu dalam penjagaan mulut bayi. Bantu pertumbuhan gigi anak anda dengan produk dari Ange.