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The babyhood Plush Stroller Liner is a stain resistant & colourfast micro toweling fabric. These types of plush stroller liners are cool and comfy in the summertime since the micro toweling soaks in sweat and the reversible breath EZE aero mesh backing allows ventilation.
The babyhood Plush Stroller Liner is a stain resistant & colourfast micro toweling fabric. These types of plush stroller liners are cool and comfy in the summertime since the micro toweling soaks in sweat and the reversible breath EZE aero mesh backing allows ventilation.
The babyhood Plush Stroller Liner is a stain resistant & colourfast micro toweling fabric. These types of plush stroller liners are cool and comfy in the summertime since the micro toweling soaks in sweat and the reversible breath EZE aero mesh backing allows ventilation.
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