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Website ini sangat berguna buat kami yang bergelar ibu
Sangat vagus, Dan harga sangat berbaloi...
- Strong double zipper - for better airtight and water tight storage. Store all your clothing, cushions, small duvets, pillows against moisture and mould. - Made with eco-friendly high grade polyamide material -Protection against dew, odour, dirt, moisture, water and dust - Vacuum Storage Clothes Suction Compressed Bag Travel Saving Space Packing Bag -...
- It is good for intelligence development, cultivate children\'s hands-on ability, and develop their imaginations. - Improve the ability of baby\'s recognition and inspired the baby\'s hand-eye coordination. - Suitable for ages 3 and above - Bright colored blocks
Here in, we do know that you hate to see your house left in a messy state especially after the little ones have had their fun with their toys. With these storage options, keep your house clutter-free and the kids' toys within easy reach. With our array of choices available, you will definitely be spoilt for choice.
Di, kami tahu bahawa anda tidak suka melihat rumah anda ditinggalkan dalam keadaan yang kurang kemas terutamanya selepas anak-anak kecil anda telah berseronok bermainan dengan mainan mereka. Dengan pilihan penyimpanan yang ada, pastikan rumah anda bebas dari dan mainan kanak-kanak mudah dijangkau. Dengan pelbagai pilihan kami, anda pasti akan dimanjakan untuk pilihan.