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Ergonomic handle Water resistant Evenflo SafeMax™ Infant Car Seat Support This stroller is intended to be used with 2 children at the same time – one in the child seating position and one on the Ride – along Board. 5-point harness Large storage Removable arm bar Child Specs (4-50lbs.)
Suitable for 0-36 months Can be used as rocking chair Position reclining backrest Adjustable leg rest Rear wheels with brake With large shopping basket With removable front tray Reversible handle for parenthood facing With bottles holders Mosquito net
Suitable for 0-36 months Can be used as rocking chair Position reclining backrest Adjustable leg rest Rear wheels with brake With large shopping basket With removable front tray Reversible handle for parenthood facing With bottles holders Mosquito net
Suitable for 0-36 months Can be used as rocking chair Position reclining backrest Adjustable leg rest Rear wheels with brake With large shopping basket With removable front tray Reversible handle for parenthood facing With bottles holders Mosquito net
Big and sturdy, a full-size baby stroller could be the only set of wheels your baby ever needs. offers full-size strollers from top brands in variety of styles and designs. A must-have to take care of your baby needs, these baby strollers make an ideal baby product to have for parents to take their babies out and about. Ranging from leading brands such as Halford, Hauck, Quinny, Akarana Baby and Baby Jogger, get only the best for your baby.
Kereta sorong bayi yang besar adalah satu produk pembawa bayi yang harus ada untuk setiap bayi. menawarkan kereta sorong bayi terdiri daripada beberapa bentuk dan jenama terkenal. Satu produk yang wajib ada untuk bayi anda, kereta sorong bayi ini adalah satu barangan bayi yang wajib ada untuk setiap ibu bapa. Terdiri daripada jenama ternama seperti Halford, Hauck, Quinny, Akarana Baby dan Baby Jogger, dapatkan hanya yang terbaik untuk bayi anda.