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Thumb Shape match perfectly for baby, tasteless and safe. Material: Pacifier - Silicone, pacifier cover-P.P, pull ring/gasket-P.C Size : One sizeHeat Resistance: -20°C ~ 120°C.
Use top PPSU bottle, natural amber color no added coloring, does not contain bisphenol A (environmental hormones)Line with the US FDA inspection standards, high hardness, good durability, heat resistance up to 180˚C, can withstand repeated high-temperature sterilization, reassuring materials.
The most natural way to bottle feed Our new bottle with the skin soft nipple material and flexible spiral design, more closely resembles the breast. The comfort petals and natural nipple shape allows natural latch on and makes it easy to combine breast and bottle feeding. Manufacturing date: 30/09/2020
Soft and flexible teat Our Natural bottle with an ultra soft teat more closely resembles the breast. The wide breast-shaped teat with flexible spiral design and comfort petals allows natural latch on and makes it easy to combine breast and bottle feeding. Manufacturing Date: 29/02/2020
PFW Young Energy Nutrition Soup 补气扶正汤 补汤 补充元气 补充精力 恢复体力 强身健体 气虚 不够气 时常疲累没有力 日常进补 男女老幼都适合饮用
PFW Vigor-Men Concentrate Nourish Essence/Increase Sperm Count and Quality/Strengthen Waist and Bones 好劲养生精 男性保养 提升精子数量和质量
PFW Vigor-Men Concentrate Nourish Essence x2 + Morinda Adder x5 /Male Fertility Supplement/Reproductive Support/Boost Energy/Restore Stamina/Increase Sperm Count and Quality/Strengthen Waist and Bones/Relieve Backache and Leg Pain/Reduce Nocturia/Mens Care
PFW Tong Chong Cao Capsule/Cordyceps Supplement/Invigorate Lung/Strengthen Immune System/Improve Body Constitution/Nourish Waist/Herbs and Traditional/Senior and General Healthcare/Men’s Care 增强体力 免疫能力 调节心脏 降胆固醇
PFW Tiao Qi Shun Capsule/ Stabilize Energy/ Improve Digestion/ Promote Blood Circulation/ Relieve Stress and Insomnia/ Balance hormone/ Eliminate Menopausal Discomfort, Menstrual Pain, Dizziness, Headache 消化差 经常打嗝 压力 失眠 调气补血 促进消化和血液循环
PFW Tiao Qi Capsule/Promote Blood Circulation/Improve Digestion and Sleep/Relieve Stress/Balance Hormone/Eliminate Headache, Bloating, Abdominal Pain, Chest Tightness/Prenatal and Postnatal Care 坐月子调理 排清恶露 调气 胸闷 调理荷尔蒙
PFW Regulating Nutrition Soup 玉女调理汤 补气养血 调理月经不适 调准经期 八珍汤和白凤丸精华 保健美容 助孕 安胎 强身健体 日常进补 男女老幼都可以饮用
PFW Regulating Nutrition Soup 玉女调理汤 and Body Strengthening Nutrition Soup 强腰健骨汤 and Young Energy Nutrition Soup 强腰健骨汤 药材汤包 健康药材调理汤包
The meat-based Pregnancy Care Package consists of the New Femme Nutri Soup (Black Chicken) and Pregnacare, providing Pregnant women with the most comprehensive nutrition during pregnancy to achieve the effects of maintaining and nurturing the fetus for a healthy pregnancy.
The Pregnancy Care Package (Suitable for Vegetarian) consists of the New Femme Nutri Soup (Black Bean) and Pregnacare, providing Pregnant women with the most comprehensive nutrition during pregnancy to achieve the effects of maintaining and nurturing the fetus for a healthy pregnancy.
The Pregnancy Care Package (Suitable for Vegetarian) consists of the New Femme Nutri Soup (Black Bean with no sugar) and Pregnacare, providing Pregnant women with the most comprehensive nutrition during pregnancy to achieve the effects of maintaining and nurturing the fetus for a healthy pregnancy.
The Pregnancy Care Package (Suitable for Vegetarian) consists of the New Femme Nutri Soup (Black Bean) and Pregnacare, providing Pregnant women with the most comprehensive nutrition during pregnancy to achieve the effects of maintaining and nurturing the fetus for a healthy pregnancy.
The Pregnancy Care Package (Suitable for Vegetarian) consists of the New Femme Nutri Soup (Black Bean with no sugar) and Pregnacare, providing Pregnant women with the most comprehensive nutrition during pregnancy to achieve the effects of maintaining and nurturing the fetus for a healthy pregnancy.
The meat-based Pregnancy Care Package consists of the New Femme Nutri Soup (Black Chicken) and Pregnacare, providing Pregnant women with the most comprehensive nutrition during pregnancy to achieve the effects of maintaining and nurturing the fetus for a healthy pregnancy.
PFW Pregnacare Nutri Drink/ Promote Fetal Growth/ Provide Vital Nutrients/ Tonify Energy and Blood/ Regulate Spleen and Stomach, Calm Body and Mind/ Relieve Stress and Anxiety 怀孕 保胎安胎 十三太保 滋养子宫和卵巢 提供胎儿营养和能量 预防流产 调理脾胃 舒缓焦躁压力
PFW Postnatal Meal Cooking-Mate/ Replace Traditional Rice Wine/ No-Alcohol/ Delicious Postnatal Confinement Meal/ Enhance Flavor/ Eliminate Food Coldness/ Increase Appetite/ Milk Booster/ Promote Blood Circulation/ Postpartum Care/ Cook Rice, Dishes, Soup
PFW Postnatal Herbal Bath Concentrate/Mandian Herba Bersalin/Natural Postpartum Shower Liquid/No Cooking/Cook Free/Clean Body/Dispel Cold 坐月子 产后 冲凉 产后草药沐浴 洗澡液 洗澡水 天然草药冲凉水 祛风 免煮 清洁身体 修复产后伤口 艾草
PFW Postnatal Care Package(Vege)/Suitable for Vegetarians/Promote Body and Reproductive Organs Recovery/Invigorate Energy and Blood/Eliminate Lochia/Prevent Wound Infections/Restore Uterine and Ovarian Functions/Postnatal Healthcare 产后调理 排清恶露
PFW Postnatal Care Package(Cook-Free)/Suitable for Confinement Practiced in Confinement Centre/Promote Body and Reproductive Organs Recovery/Invigorate Energy and Blood/Eliminate Lochia/Prevent Wound Infections/Postnatal Healthcare 产后调理 免煮
PFW Postnatal Care Package (Third Month) Promote recovery of uterus and reproductive organs. Nourish ovaries, regulate hormones and menstrual cycle. 坐月子配套(第三个月) 收紧隐秘部位,促进子宫和生殖器官复原,营养卵巢,调理荷尔蒙,重建月经周期
PFW Postnatal Care Package (Second Month) Promote recovery of uterus and reproductive organs. Nourish ovaries, regulate hormones and menstrual cycle. 完美女人坐月子配套【第二个月】 收紧隐秘部位,促进子宫和生殖器官复原,营养卵巢,调理荷尔蒙,重建月经周期
PFW Postnatal Care Package (Premium)/Suitable for Weak Constitution, Perilous Births, Frequent Labors, Recurrent Miscarriage, Caesarean Section/Improve Body Constitution/Promote Reproductive Organs Recovery/Postnatal Healthcare 产后调理
PFW Postnatal Care Package (Perfect)/Promote Body and Reproductive Organs Recovery/Invigorate Energy and Blood/Eliminate Lochia/Enhance Nutrition/Prevent Wound Infections/Restore Uterine and Ovarian Functions/Postnatal Healthcare 产后调理 坐月子
PFW Postnatal Care Package (Basic)/Suitable for Weak Constitution, Perilous Births, Frequent Labors, Recurrent Miscarriage, Caesarean Section/Improve Body Constitution/Promote Reproductive Organs Recovery/Postnatal Health
PFW New Femme Nutri Concentrate/Relieve Menstrual Pain/Warm Uterus/Bak Foong/BaZhen Black Chicken Essence/Suitable For Miscarriage, Pregnancy, Confinement, Menopause 新浓缩玉女汤荤 八珍汤 白凤丸 滴乌鸡精 十全大补 四神汤 月经 温宫 怀孕 贫血 坐月 流产 备孕
PFW New Femme Nutri Concentrate (Vege)/Relieve Menstrual Pain, Disorders/Warm Uterus/BakFoong,BaZhen,Black Beans Essence/For Menstruation,Miscarriage,Pregnancy,Confinement,Menopause 新浓缩玉女汤素 八珍 白凤丸 黑豆精华 月经 经痛 怀孕 坐月 流产 更年期 调养
PFW Morinda Adder/Male Fertility Supplement/Reproductive Support/Boost Energy/Restore Stamina/Increase Sperm Count and Quality/Strengthen Waist and Bones/Relieve Backache and Leg Pain/Reduce Nocturia/Mens Care 性冷感 生精 强腰 壮阳 提升精子数量和质量 舒缓背疼痛
PFW MiJiu Enzyme Essence/Concentrate Rice Wine/Organic Enzyme/Confinement Meal Flavoring/Promote Blood Circulation/Eliminate Lochia/No Alcohol/Suitable For Postnatal Confinement and Breastfeeding 无酒精米酒酵素 坐月子 祛风 增加月子餐风味 增加奶量 排清恶露
PFW Leucorrhea Soothe Package (15 Days) 白带 白带多 白带黄 黄带 月经不调 睡眠差 下体异味 下体痒 瘙痒 止痒 素食者适用
PFW Leucorrhea Soothe Package (1 Month) 白带 白带多 白带黄 黄带 月经不调 睡眠差 下体异味 下体痒 瘙痒 止痒
PFW Leucorrhea Recuperate Package (15 Days) 白带 白带清 白带多 下体有异味 下体瘙痒 腹胀 腰酸 疲倦 累 气短 气虚 没有气 不够气 阴道调养 补肾 补气
PFW Leucorrhea Recuperate Package (1 Month) 白带 白带清 白带多 下体有异味 下体瘙痒 腹胀 腰酸 疲倦 累 气短 气虚 没有气 不够气 阴道调养 补肾 补气
PFW Leucorrhea Detox Package (15 Days) 白带 白带多 白带黄 黄带 豆腐渣白带 白带有异味 月经不调 小便色黄 下体异味 下体痒 下体瘙痒 睡眠差 口臭 口干 止痒 祛热 祛湿 消毒 解毒
PFW Leucorrhea Detox Package (1 Month)白带 白带多 白带黄 黄带 豆腐渣白带 白带有异味 月经不调 小便色黄 下体异味 下体痒 下体瘙痒 睡眠差 口臭 口干 止痒 祛热 祛湿 消毒 解毒
PFW Jin Gu Tong Wan/ Eliminate Rheumatism/ Dispel Cold/ Invigorate Knee and Waist/ Strengthen Sinews and Bones/ Prevent Joint Pain and Fatigue/ Herbs and Traditional/ Senior and General Healthcare
PFW Heatiness Relieving Capsule 100s/ Clear Heat/ Remove Toxins/ Invigorate Lung/ Relieve Body Heatiness, Headache, Mouth Ulcers, Sore Throat, Eye Pain, Insomnia and Dreamy Sleep/ Herbs and Traditional 感冒 发炎 发热 清热
PFW Ginkgo Biloba Plus Capsule/Promote Blood Circulation/Strengthen Body Constitution/Increase Brain Power/Lower Cholesterol/Prevent Modern Civilization Diseases, Cardiovascular Diseases and Geriatric Diseases 增强体力和脑力 降胆固醇 促进血液循环
PFW Ginger Sugar Plus / Improve Blood Circulation / Warm Uterus and Stomach / Eliminate Colds / Blood Stasis / Menstruation, Confinement and Elderly Healthcare
PFW Ginger Extract Capsule/ Improve Blood Circulation and Digestion/ Warm Uterus/ Relieve Cold, Indigestion, Stomach Wind, Menstrual, Stomach and Abdominal Pain/ Suitable For Menstruation and Confinement 姜母精华丸 祛风祛寒 温宫暖胃 促进消化 经痛 产后调理适用
PFW FemmeCare/ Menyuburkan Uterus/Melaraskan Hormon/ Nourish Ovaries/ Regulate Menstruation/ Detox/ Boost Fertility/ Help Pregnancy/ Improve Ovulation/ Ovary Care/ Suitable For Menstruation, Prenatal Care and Menopause 调节女性荷尔蒙 滋补子
PFW Femme Nutri Concentrate(Vege N-Sugar)/Relieve Menstrual Pain and Disorders/Warm Uterus/Concentrate BakFoong, BaZhen and Black Beans Essence/Suitable For Menstruation, Miscarriage, Pregnancy, Confinement and Menopause 八珍 白凤丸 黑豆精华 调经 温宫
PFW Femme Klen/ Eliminate Leucorrhea/ Improve uterusHealth/ Dispel Dampness/ Reduce Inflammation/ Enhance Disease Resistance and feminine Self-Purification/ Improve Body Constitution/ Feminine Care
PFW Femme Beau Essence/Black Chicken Oral Collagen Essence/Natural Beauty Nutrition Drink/Anti-Aging/Whitening/Firming/Reduce Wrinkles/Eliminate Stretch Marks, Freckles, Butterfly Rash/Breast Enhancement 美白抗皱抗衰老 美颜 丰胸
Postpartum recovery is important for women who has give birth to replenish the body. With medicinal dietary supplements, the body can accelerate recovery and getting back to the best condition. Feminata Care is a must-have dietary supplements for confinement to prevent damp invasion and postnatal diseases.
PFW Female+Male Bebecom Package(1 Month)/Reproductive Support/Fertility Supplement/Boost Energy/Strengthen Uterus/Enhance Body Constitution/Improve Egg and Sperms Quality/Prenatal Care/Herbs and Traditional 备孕助孕调理 提升卵子精子质量 提升受孕几率
PFW Female Bebecom Package (3 Months)/Boost Pregnancy/Fertility/Reproduction/Conception/Prenatal Care/Easy Conceive/Reproductive Support/Help Fertilized Egg Implantation/Boost Ovulation/Ovary Care/Improve Constitution女性备孕调理配套 助孕好孕 调理子宫卵巢
PFW Female Bebecom Package (1 Months)/Boost Pregnancy/Fertility/Reproduction/Conception/Prenatal Care/Easy Conceive/Reproductive Support/Help Fertilized Egg Implantation/Boost Ovulation/Ovary Care/Improve Constitution女性备孕调理配套 助孕好孕 调理子宫卵巢
PFW Female + Male Bebecom Package (3 Months)/Reproductive Support/Boost Energy/Strengthen Uterus/Improve Egg and Sperms Quality/Prenatal Care/Pregnacare/Herbs and Traditional 备孕助孕 夫妻备孕 调理子宫卵巢 提升卵子精子质量 增强体能 提升精力
PFW DigesD Capsule/Digestion Helper/Relieve Stomach Discomfort and Indigestion/Reduce Bloating, Stomachache, Nausea, Vomit, Mild Diarrhea, Decreased Appetite, Stomach Ulcer, Hyperacidity/Stomach Soothing/Herbs and Traditional 腹痛 腹泻 呕吐 消化不良 肠胃不适
PFW Dang Shen Red Date Concentrate Plus Tea 50s/ Replenish Energy and Blood/ Relieve Sweating and Edema/ Enhance Digestion/ Promote Postpartum Recovery/ Natural Vegetables Grains Nutritional Drink 五谷营养能量饮料 补气补血 促进新陈代谢 经期、产前产后都能服用
PFW Dang Shen Red Date Concentrate Plus Tea 20s/ Relieve Sweating and Edema/ Enhance Digestion 党参红枣蔬谷茶 补气养血 产后滋补 坐月子 月子调理进补
PFW Cooling Tea/Natural Herbal Tea Sachet/Relieve Internal Heat/Quench Thirst/Prevent Cold, Fever, Sore Throat, Acne, Itchy Skin/Cleanse and Rejuvenate/No Theophylline/Antioxidant/Herbs and Traditional/Body Wellness 清热解毒 止咳化痰 舒缓感冒
PFW Collagrain/ Vitamins, Amino Acids, Organic Calcium, Natural Grains and Collagen Nutrition Drink/ Improve Skin/ Strengthen Bones/ Delay Aging/ Enhance Beauty/ Postnatal Confinement/ Postpartum Care/ Elderly Healthcare Beverage/ Food Supplements/ Skincare
PFW Breastfeeding Package(Suitable for Constitution of Phlegm and Damp Stagnation)/Eliminate Damp and Phlegm/Milk Booster/Enhance Nutrition and Breast Milk/Prevent Breast Swelling, Inflammation and Milk Deposition/Postnatal Confinement Nutri Drink 坐月哺乳 增加奶水 催乳
PFW Breastfeeding Package(Suitable for Constitution of Energy and Blood Stagnation)/Promote Blood Circulation/Milk Booster/Enhance Nutrition and Lactation/Prevent Breast Swelling, Inflammation and Milk Deposition/Postnatal Confinement Nutri Drink 坐月哺乳 催奶 多奶
PFW Breastfeeding Package Vege(Suitable for Constitution of Energy and Blood Deficiency)/Milk Booster/Enhance Nutrition and Breast Milk/Prevent Breast Swelling, Inflammation and Milk Deposition/Postnatal Confinement Nutri Drink 多奶 催乳 增加奶量和营养 坐月通乳
PFW Breastfeeding Package Vege N-Sugar(Suitable for Constitution of Energy and Blood Deficiency)Milk Booster/Enhance Nutrition and Breast Milk/Prevent Breast Swelling, Inflammation and Milk Deposition/Postnatal Confinement Nutri Drink 增加奶量和营养
PFW Breastfeeding Package N-Vege(Suitable for Constitution of Energy and Blood Deficiency)/Milk Booster/Enhance Nutrition and Breast Milk/Prevent Breast Swelling, Inflammation and Milk Deposition/Postnatal Confinement Nutri Drink 坐月哺乳 催乳 多奶 修复乳头伤口
PFW Breastfeeding Package (Basic) Milk Booster/Increase Lactation/Enhance Nutrition and Milk Quality/Improve Blood Circulation/Prevent Breast Swelling, Inflammation and Milk Deposition/Postnatal Food/Confinement Nutri Drink 多奶 催乳 增加奶量 修复乳头
PFW Body Strengthening Nutrition Soup 强腰健骨汤 补肾强腰 腰酸背痛 四肢酸软 手脚冰冷 尿频 夜尿多 骨质疏松 幼儿发育迟缓 中风无力 男女老幼 一家大小都适合饮用
PFW Bittergourd Plus/ Helps Diabetic Patients/ Decrease Sugar Absorption/ Reduce Sugar Craving/ Lower Sugar Level/ Promotes Insulin Secretion/ Regulate Blood Glucose/ Stabilize Blood Glucose Level After Meal 糖尿病 促进胰岛素分泌
PFW Bio-Nutri/ Replenish Nutrients/ Promote Metabolism/ Enhance Digestion/ Boost Immunity/ Prevent Diseases/ Vitamins, Amino Acids, Calcium, Minerals and Natural Grains Mommy Nutrition Drink/ Prenatal and Postnatal Beverage 营养能量 促进新陈代谢 增强消化能力
PFW Beau-Tea / Relieve Constipation and Bloating/ Eliminate Toxins/ Lose Weight/ Reduce Belly/ Burn Fat and Calories/ Beauty and Skincare/ Natural Detox Tea/ Slimming Herbal Tea/ Cleanse and Rejuvenate/ No-Caffeine/ Antioxidant/ Herbs and Traditional/ Body Wellness
PFW Beau Hair Capsule 300's/ Prevent Hair Loss and White Hair/Grey hair/ Stimulate Hair Growth/ Darken Hair/Hair Building 脱发 地中海脱发 产后脱发 美发 生发 补肾 亮丽秀发 让头发乌黑浓密
PFW Beau Hair Capsule '60/ Prevent Hair Loss and White Hair/ Stimulate Hair Growth/ Darken Hair/ Hair Building 脱发 地中海脱发 产后脱发 美发 生发 白发 亮丽秀发 让头发乌黑浓密 头皮问题
PFW Baby Herbal Bath Concentrate/Mandian Herba Bayi/Natural Baby Shower Liquid/No Cooking/Reduce Jaundice, Body Heat and Itching/Improve Sleep/Protect Skin/Prevent Flu/Antibacterial/Anti-inflammatory/Bath 宝宝坐月洗澡液 天然无毒 清热止痒 去黄
Pegaga by PurelyB is a healing blend of traditional Asian superfoods, composed of some of nature’s most powerful herbs and fruits. This 100% natural and plant-based blend is most effective in helping new mothers recover after giving birth. It helps you to cleanse your body of accumulated toxins, improve digestion, immunity, and boost breastmilk quality...
Pegaga by PurelyB is a healing blend of traditional Asian superfoods, composed of some of nature’s most powerful herbs and fruits. This 100% natural and plant-based blend is most effective in helping new mothers recover after giving birth. It helps you to cleanse your body of accumulated toxins, improve digestion, immunity, and boost breastmilk quality...
Product Features ● Available in six colours to match your aesthetic: Black : Pebble, Grey : Dawn, Pink : Buttercream, Blue : Indie, Dark Blue : Navy, Green : Moss● Gold metal plate logo.● Soft, relaxed upgraded vegan leather exterior.● Lightweight and durable.● Spill-proof nylon interior.● Dimensions: 25.5cm (L) x 22.5cm (H) x 11cm (W).● Gold zippers and...
Pascual’s Greek-style yogurt is made from a traditional recipe and has a super smooth and creamy texture that guarantees that everyone who tries it will be back for more. • A healthy product with a high nutritional content. Rich in proteins, low in calories and a natural source of calcium • Yogurt is easily absorbed by the body as it is a pre-digested...
Pascual’s Greek-style yogurt is made from a traditional recipe and has a super smooth and creamy texture that guarantees that everyone who tries it will be back for more. • A healthy product with a high nutritional content. Rich in proteins, low in calories and a natural source of calcium • Yogurt is easily absorbed by the body as it is a pre-digested...
孕妈们注意啦,Motherhood 华语线下Parentcraft 终于来啦!这是一个不可错过的课程,一堂就可以为爸妈们解答所有疑问和消除任何孕期孕后的任何忧虑!Parentcraft 为爸妈们准备的是一场由不同母婴界的专业人士,以易学易懂轻松的方式,和大家讲解及分享有关孕期,生产过程,产后调理和保养的知识及撇步。让爸爸妈妈们可以当个不慌张的新手爸妈❤️Parentcraft线下学习 新手爸妈必备班 详情:场地: Damansara Specialist Hospital 2 (DSH2) 地址: 1, Jalan Bukit Lanjan 3, Bukit Lanjan, 60000 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur 时间: 9...
Expecting in 2025? Let's make your parenting journey smoother than ever! Motherhood invites you to join our Parentcraft Workshops in special collaboration with our partnering hospitals across Klang Valley. The workshop aims to answer all the questions and concerns of expectant mothers about the birth of their baby. Workshop Dates: Venue : Bukit Kiara...
Deeply Hydrates skin leaving it plump and luminous. Use after cleansing and toning, before evening moisturizer or any time during the day when skin needs a moisture boost.
Freshens and cleans the skin removing impurities without stripping the skin of moisture.
Palmer’s Pregnancy Face Care range includes a complete regime of products that are expertly formulated to be safe to use during pregnancy, or for extra-sensitive skin. Featuring a blend of naturally derived ingredients, including Rosewater, Collagen and Vitamin C.
Palmer’s Pregnancy Face Care range includes a complete regime of products that are expertly formulated to be safe to use during pregnancy, or for extra-sensitive skin. Featuring a blend of naturally derived ingredients, including Rosewater, Collagen and Vitamin C.
A gentle, alcohol-free hydrating facial toner that removes dirt and grime and refreshes, soothes and refines complexion.
Palmer’s Olive Oil Formula with Vitamin E Smoothing Shampoo +Replenishing Conditioner SachetPacking: Sachet SampleSmoothes out frizzy hair, Increase moisture levels, Softens tight curls Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula with Vitamin E Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks MiniaturePacking: 50ml / BolLightweight, all over body lotion. Improves elasticity. Use daily...
PALMER\'S Stretch Marks Range Travel Set **BONUS GIFT - Cosmetic pouch x1 **
PALMER’S CBF Tummy Mask for Stretch Marks x12 packets Enclosed PALMER’S Soothing Oil Miniature x1 bottle, Soothi Hydrogel Patch x1 pouch (5pcs/pouch)
PALMER’S Skin Success Anti-Dark spot Fade Milk _For BodyPacking : 250ml / BottleWeight : 0.5kg (2 in one bundle)
PALMER’S Skin Success Anti-Dark spot Dark Spot Correcting Facial Cleanser Weight : 0.4kg (2 in one bundle) Packing : 150ml / bottle
PALMER’S Skin Success Anti-Dark spot Dark Spot Complexion Bar & Facial Astringent & Anti-Dark Spot Fade Cream Weight : 0.1kg + 0.25kg + 0.7kg=1 kg (3 in one bundle)
PALMER’S Skin Success Anti-Dark spot Complexion Bar Packing : 100g / bar
PALMER’S Pregnancy Face Care Set Gentle Cleanser x1 Fresh Toner x1 Light Moisturiser (Day Cream) x1 Deep Moisturiser (Night Cream) x1 Hydrating Facial Mask x5 Sheets Masks/ box
Palmers Pregnancy Care-4 (2 items) Palmers CBF with Vitamin E Massage Lotion for Stretch Mark : 250ml Palmers CBF with Vitamin E Massage Cream for Stretch Mark : 125g
Palmers Pregnancy Care-2 (2 items) Palmers CBF with Vitamin E Massage Lotion for Stretch Mark : 250ml Palmers CBF with Vitamin E Soothing Oil for Dry, Itchy Skin : 150ml
Palmers Pregnancy Care-1 (4 items) Palmers CBF with Vitamin E Massage Lotion for Stretch Mark : 250ml Palmers CBF with Vitamin E Massage Cream for Stretch Mark : 125g Palmers CBF with Vitamin E Soothing Oil for Dry, Itchy Skin : 150ml Palmers CBF with Vitamin E Tummy Butter : 125g
Gift set for pregnant women Palmer’s CBF with Vitamin E Tummy Mask for Stretch Marks x2 pcs Palmer’s CBF with Vitamin E Soothing Oil for Dry, Itchy Skin Palmer’s CBF with Vitamin E Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks Palmer’s CBF with Vitamin E Soothing Body Wash for Pregnancy
This “solid” Tummy Butter is an ultra- concentrated night-time treatment specifically designed for pregnancy stretch marks. Enriched with soothing and relaxing lavender extracts, new Bio C-Elaste™, pure Cocoa and Shea Butters and Vitamin E, it has been proven to help improve skin's elasticity and moisture. With regular use it can help reduce the...
Palmers CBF with Vitamin E SKIN Therapy Oil : 150ml & 60ml It’s wonderful and enjoyable to massage all over body with this lightweight, non-greasy, non-staining formula, Palmer’s Skin Therapy Oil. Makes your skin instantly soft, supple, just like the baby’s skin. Stretch Marks and Scars are invisible after regular massage. To unwind and for maximum...
Palmers Postnatal Skin Care-1 (2 items) Palmers CBF with Vitamin E Nursing Butter Helps to relieve sore, cracked nipples that may occur with breastfeeding. Soothing and mild so you won't need to wash it off before your baby's next feed.
PALMER’S CBF Tummy Mask for Stretch Marks x3 packets Enclosed PALMER’S Soothing Oil Miniature x1
Palmer's Body Firming Set Included: Palmer’s CBF with Vitamin E Bust Cream 125g/tube Palmer’s CBF with Vitamin E Firming Butter 315ml/bottle
(2 Tubes in One Bundle) An extra rich moisturizing gel recommended for all skin types. With Aloe Vera, Vitamin E and special emollients it is also an excellent all-over body treatment for dry skin.