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Be sure to keep your child healthy with the right milk powder. Known for only inserting nutritional products, Enfagrow makes sure that all their milk powder consists of DHA and iron. These two brain-nourishing nutrients are important at every stage, especially during toddlerhood as this is when rapid brain growth continues which is why Enfagrow makes sure that your kids will always have these in their food chain.
Pastikan anak anda sentiasa sihat dengan pilihan susu bayi yang betul. Dikenali dengan hanya meletakkan produk yang bernutrisi, Enfagrow memastikan yang semua susu tepung mereka mempunyai DHA dan zat besi. Dengan memasukkan dua komponen utama ini dalam susu mereka, Enfagrow pastikan yang anak anda sentiasa mendapat zat dan nutrisi yang cukup.