Motherhood Mother's Day 2019


From Rinn Gill

My mom is the Superwoman that rocks in my life. She is the woman who had bought me my first bike and spent hours on end teaching me how to ride, the woman who pick me up and carry me inside when I fell asleep on car rides, the woman who had point to this little ugly duckling and declare proudly, "That's my daughter". My mom is my hero, not just because of the sacrifices she made for me, but because she shaped who I am. How I walk, how I talk, how I carry myself overall. My mom always told me "You gotta walk with dignity! Speak with a purpose! I remember at thirteen years old this sounded like a whole lot to do. But looking at my mom, I knew what she meant: carry yourself like you are somebody so others will know that you are somebody, too. I knew my mom had always wanted to give the best to me and my siblings because she had never had a chance when she was a girl. Growing up in a low-class family in the 1950s, "easy living" isn't exactly the word you would use to describe my mom's girlhood. She and her sisters lived in rural area. But throughout all the hardships, she never given up and that reason, among many other, is why my mom is so important to me. I look at that my elderly mom, and I see a reason to be all I can be and so much more. I see cold hard proof that it doesn't matter where you came from, just matters where you are going.When it comes down to it, I guess I really do believe my mom is Superwoman. I can't think of anyone who can go through the things she did and still find something to genuinely smile about. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, that's my mom, and I wouldn't have her any other way.

Even a thousand miles away,
You are in my mind always,
Feeding my life with great memories definitely,
With all your endless love and affection amazingly,
There's nothing in this world can beat your warmth hugs and kisses till eternity!

Love you forever, Mom!

#MothersLoveInTheAir #Motherhoodcommy

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