Mamacubatry Bio-Oil Skincare Oil (Natural)

Bio-Oil Skincare Oil (Natural) is a scar and stretch mark product made from natural oils only. Clinical trial results showed the product to be as effective as Bio‑Oil's original scar and stretch mark product, making it the first time a natural product has been proven to match the performance of a category-leading product.

This product has soybean oil that contains Vitamin E to help build skin’s barrier and lock in moisture. The sunflower oil helps protect the skin from harmful UV rays in the environment. Chia seed oil increases skin hydration, making it less likely to develop fine lines and wrinkles. Lavender oil can calm and soothe skin with its natural anti-inflammatory properties. Rosemary oil invigorates and eases congestion, puffiness and skin swelling. High concentration of fatty acids help build healthy cell membranes.

4.9 from 122 Reviews



A very good product

Bio Oil is a game-changer for reducing scars, stretch marks, and uneven skin tone. Its unique blend of vitamins and plant extracts deeply nourishes and hydrates the skin, promoting a smoother and more even complexion. Regular use revitalizes the skin, leaving it soft, supple, and radiant. Perfect for all skin types, Bio Oil is a must-have in your skincare routine to enhance your skin’s natural beauty and health.

Felicia Chan .


Bio-Oil Skincare Oil: A Versatile Solution for Radiant Skin

Enriched with vitamins and plant extracts, Bio-Oil nourishes and hydrates the skin, enhancing its natural glow.

Sandy .


The oil you definitely need!

I used to have a lot of eczema scars, and my colleagues suggested me to use this. It took about a week to see that the scars started to fade away. It really really help not only for the scars, but my skin also getting much smoother!

Siti Khadyja R


Soothing and Calming

Love the product. It doesn’t feel oily and fast absorbed into skin.



Good result

I had use this product starting from the first month of my pregnancy until 6 months right now , works like wonders.

Fairus .


bagus untuk pudarkan parut

anak saya mengunakan bio oil selepas operation lip bagi cleft lip dia.saya gunakannya sebagai minyak urut,untuk urut parut di bibirnya lepas operation,hasilnya sekarang parut dah makin pudar.

Nor farah rushdiyati b


Good value

Good product for all type skin



Recommended goog pregnant oil stretch marks

Bio-Oil has been proven to help reduce the appearance of scars and stretch marks from my freinds, so now i want to use this on my pregnant period also!

Chin Hooi N


Best one for pregnancy stretch mark

It's one of the best oil to use for your stretch marks mommies.. give a try. U will not regret ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Dharnusha S


Bio Oil Review

Super smoothing. Best absorption. Doesn't feel oily at all. Lighten scares.

Tracy H


Good smell, affordable, Good ingredients , Handy packaging

I love using the Bio-Oil Skincare Oil: It smells great, isn’t too thick, and doesn't leave too much of a residue behind. It’s also incredibly hydrating! At the same time, I can’t say I noticed a huge difference in the evenness of my skin tone, even after using it regularly for quite a while.

Alena .


Bio Oil

Repairing stretchmark and make our skin moist

Nurul Amirah M


Reduce Scar Impetigo

After used around daugther scar less n getting better

Nurhazwani Binti A


Best oil for mummy stomach

Not oily and sticky, smell very natural. RECOMMENDED



Bio oil skincare oil

It not too oily and really nice and effective to me

Wendy L


Bio oil

Hi mummy semua..nak intoduced product BIO OiL skincare oil(Natural)minyak penjagaan kulit..Bio oil juga sesuai untuk menghilangkan parut mums lepas bersalin.. Bio oil juga sesuai digunakan untuk penjagaan kulit dan bekas luka.. Bio oil mengandungi 100% natural dan tidak ada bahan bahaya.. Mummy mummy semua boleh try..#mctbioOil #MamaCubaTry #freesample #freesamples #freesamplemalaysia #reviewmalaysia #motherhoodcommy

Long S


Tidak melekit dan berkesan

Semasa awal kehamilan, saya banyak mendengar feedback positif tentang Bio-oil ni. Amat tertarik sekali untuk menggunakannya. Setelah mencuba sy mendapati ianya minyak yg sangat bagus. Tiada rasa melekit apabila disapu di perut dan berkesan menghilangkan stretch marks jika diamalkan secara konsisten.

Ainie M


Pilihan Tepat Ibu, Kembali Yakin, Mental Sihat

Apply sikit pun boleh tahu kualiti minyak yang sangat premium. Saya dah guna untuk hari 1, tekstur minyak sangat ringan dan melembapkan kulit. Kesan parut dan regangan di perut selepas bersalin masih ada, jadi minyak ini boleh membantu menyelesaikan masalah saya. Kesan akan nampak dalam minimum 3 bulan atau 8 minggu. Yang penting mommies kena konsisten guna. Selain fizikal sembuh, mental juga akan sihat dan meningkatkan keyakinan kita dari sudut emosi. Terima kasih kerana memilih saya dalam sebahagian team anda.

Rashidah M



A safe and natural skincare oil that can be used throughout the pregnancy. Helps to reduce the possibility of stretch marks during pregnancy and retain moisture. Recommended

eR L


Meratakan tona kulit

Saya memang gunakan Bio Oil ni sejak 16 tahun yang lepas semasa mengandungkan anak pertama sehingga ke hari ini. Bio Oil ni membantu melembutkan dan meratakan tona kulit akibat stretch mark. Saya sapu pada sekitar bahagian perut, payudara dan sebagainya. Ia juga dapat melembutkan dan tidak mengeringkan kulit. Ibu-ibu boleh amalkan sapu setiap hari sepanjang tempoh kehamilan dan juga selepas bersalin juga.

Nurul Aien Binti .


Recommended for Post Birth

Lepas bersalin stretch mark dekat perut masih ada, memang tak cantik dah la perut. So boleh cuba Bio-Oil ni untuk mengurangkan rupa stretch mark tu. Bau sedap, rasa tenang je. Kulit pun rasa lembut sebab oil ni tolong lembapkan kulit. Kadang2 guna untuk urut jugak.

Puteri Nur


Bagus untuk Ibu Mengandung

Bio-Oil ni memang sesuai untuk ibu2 mengandung yang ada stretch mark dan ibu2 yang dah bersalin yang ada stretch mark atau parut kat kulit. Tengok bahan memang natural semuanya, vitamin E, sunflower oil, soybean oil, rosemary oil, lavender oil - semua ni ada kebaikan sendiri. Brand ni memang terkenal antara ibu2 dan wanita2 jadi tak menjadi masalah kalau nak percayai produk Bio-Oil ni.

Nur Zara


Scar & stretch mark oil

After using it for 2 weeks, i can say that the only visible improvement is how soft and moisturized my skin is. the stretch marks, i cant really tell yet. maybe need to keep using. It has a calming scent like essential oil. Product is organic so its safe for pregnant mommies.

Wan Nur


Good for Scars

Bio-Oil is effective for not only stretch marks but scars. of course not the scars in your heart but the scars on your skin. it takes time to heal la. good things take time. so dont rush, trust the process.

Nur Amalina binti MK


Mamacubatry Bio-Oil Skincare Oil (Natural)

Produk berkualiti. Bau sedap dan menenangkan - ada lavender. Melembutkan kulit - ada sunflower oil dan vitamin E. Pudaran parut & stretchmark - kurang berkesan mungkin sebab baru 2 minggu pakai.

Ayu B


Bagus untuk Pregnancy

Thank you bagi peluang try produk ni.. Produk ni saya yakin berkualiti tinggi sebab brand ni terkenal. Sebab bau juga. Kena selalu apply pada stretch mark dan apa2 parut untuk nampakkan kesan pudarnya. Kulit pun jadi lembut. Saya akan beli lagi kalau habis nanti.

Wani Halim


Trusted bio-oil

6 months into my pregnancy and this product has helped to soothe my skin around my baby bump. Due to stretching, theres not only marks but skin has become dry. So applying this has helped to moisturise. Its nice to massage my stomach too then my baby inside would react hehe

Ira Ariffin


I like it

All this while, I've been contemplating either to buy or not to buy bio-oil skincare oil (natural).Thank u motherhood team for selecting me as tester! So far, i've been using this product on my scars, and I like it so far! I think, I will continue using this product

Nur Fatin Aisyah


Tak melekit bila pakai

I suka Bio-oil skincare oil natural ni sebab bila i sapu kat kulit, tak melekit. Senang, tak payah basuh tangan lepas apply. I sapu setiap malam dkt parut stretchmarks. #recommended



mama kena try! good for stretch marks

Mama kena try produk ni. Bio-oil ni memang femes dari dulu. kalau mama2 pregnant mesti tau produk honest review, produk ni ok. tak nampak lagi perubahan pd strtch mark. kena selalu pakai kot. tapi buat kulit tak gatal dan rasa lebh lembut. kalau tak pakai, perut rasa kering. bau wangi macam lavender. pls buy mama2!



Bio oil good for scar

This is a great product to reduce stretch mark and scars. It helps to soften skin too

Linda Lee


Magic in a bottle

I’ve always thought that this product is pricey and not worth it but not after i’ve tried it for myself! This is actually worth it! The stretch marks from my belly is still visible but it helps moisturize my skin so i dont feel so itchy on my bum anymore. I hope this will reduce the marks on it. We’ll see!



Bio-Oil great for scar & stretchmark

This product is effective in my opinion, just need to keep applying everyday. It's oil but not so oily after apply, makes my skin softer i think because got Vitamin E inside. Smell also very pleasant.



Suitable for my dry skin

Thanks motherhood recommended as this Bio-oil suitable and does not irritate my dry skin, absorb on my skin and it’s not that oily smell is good too , I love it .

Key A


Stretch mark makin pudar!

Since pregnant sampailah dah bersalin I mmg selalu amalkan bio oil ni. Tak macam oil yang lain, yang ni cepat meresap tak rasa oily pun lepas sapu. Paling best stretch mark pun makin pudar tau!



Good investment

Applied for few times, my skin is smoother and my stretch marks are lighter in colour. I love the fact that the smell is subtle.

Akhtiera Y


The smell is subtle

For mom out there if using this oil make sure to apply the oil on stretch mark area from the start of pregnancy first trimester until after birth to. It’s will help to lighten and avoid the stretch mark. Its rub well on skin and the smell is subtle. Its very useful. Its can added into my skincare regime as well. Work wonder on my skin.



Review on Bio-Oil

saya guna since pregnant utk krgkan strecth marks masa mengandung dan caesarean scar..memang best sgt baunya elok guna utk kulit sensitif jugak..terbaik

Nur Amira


Review Bio Oil

Bio Oil Favorite saya. bila pakai, rasa tak berminyak. meresap ke dalam kulit. terasa lembap je skin.wangi sangat bio oil ni. yang penting strecth mark saya dah pudar. kena rajin sapu supaya strechmarknya hilang,. yang penting tak menyesal kalau beli, PRODUK BERKUALITI. #MCTBioOil #freesample #freesamples #freesamplemalaysia #reviewmalaysia #MamaCubaTry #motherhoocommy @biooilmalaysia



Bio oil

Best bio oil ni.cepat menyerap dan bau menyenangkan.kulit gatal dan mengelupas sapu jap ja ok.strecthmark pun nampk makin pudar.. recommended



Bio-Oil good for scars & stretch marks

I use this while i was pregnant because i heard that this is one of the best product to help reduce stretch marks. I also use it on the scars i have on my knee. its also make my skin soft because it has vitamin E. the smell is also nice, like got lavender EO in the scent.

Yasmin Abdullah


Magic in a bottle ✨

I recently introduced Bio-Oil into my skincare routine, and I must say, it's been a game-changer! One of the immediate benefits I noticed was the incredible softness of my skin after using it.

Mona Riza


MCT Bio-Oil Skincare

It very recommended item for those having stretch mark and scars. Last time I used it during pregnancy and it really help the skin become moisturized and it need consistent using to get the better results.

Alta Jean A


My skin never looked better!

I love using Bio-Oil Skincare Oil because it helps improve the appearance of my stretch marks and ache scars. I love how my skin looks now!

Amanina A


Best product for me and my daughter

My daughter and I use Bio-Oil Skincare Oil because it's the best product for us as it helps our skin to stay well-hydrated and moisturised ✨

Noramanina binti Abdullah .



Weve been applying it on acne scars, hyperpigmentation spots, and dry spots around our lips. Also used for pregnantcy strechmarks.



Good for scar treatment

The oil smell like an essential oil, very pleasant scent. good for scar treatment so far i have used. and i like it that its not very oily.

Grace Kar Yee S


Helps with stretch marks

I was recommended this oil by a friend to help with my pregnancy stretch marks and it really did make a difference. Got to keep using it to see a difference.



My neck lines are less visible

I straight away tried it on my neck for the past 7days after received it. Quite surprised on the result bc im getting dry neck since married. I tried so many lotions but it only last few hours. Bio Oil lasts quite long. I applied it before heading to office and around Asar my neck still soft. Worth it!



Very lightweight and good absorption at the skin.

So far so good! It’s have light smell that doesn’t pleasant to your nose. It’s very lightweight and rub well on my skin. Its doesn’t leave any oily feel at skin. It’s help with stretch marks and scar but its take time not immediately seen.



Bio oil一家大小都合适

Bio oil 100% 纯天然无香精无色素 可以放心给小孩使用哦 在孕期中也给了肚肚滋润 很好吸收 不会油腻 妈妈们都可以放心使用哦 价格很亲民????谢谢motherhood让我体验了这次的bio oil 找到了适合自己的产品????

Ooi Siew Li


muka makin pulih

muka saya burn macam melecur kat pipi sebelah kanan. alhamdulillah dah beransur pulih cuma pedih sikit akibat menggelupas. terima kasih bio-oil ????



The best for my scars

Proud customer and it really works. I had been looking high and low for a product to help reduce my stretch marks from my pregnancy and this does wonders but kena rajin apply everyday then you will start to see results.

Rachel Pereira


Pilihan hati

Bio-oil skincare oil naturalterima kasih beri peluang untuk cuba produk nie. Produk nie mambantu kurangkan strecth mark. Kulit kaki yang kering selepas sapu bio oil jadi lebih lembut dan tidak kering lagi. Baunya pun sangat menyenangkan. Bio oil selamat digunakan oleh kanak-kanak.#MCTBioOil #freesample #freesamples #freesamplemalaysia #reviewmalaysia #MamaCubaTry #motherhoodcommy terima kasih @biooilmalaysia

Murni Anita M


Tak kenal maka tak cinta

Menyesal kerana baru sekarang selepas anak ketiga baru mula mengenali dan mencuba produk Bio Oil. Ternyata Bio Oil yang mengandung 100% bahan semulajadi membantu memperbaiki kulit kesian regangan setelah melahirkan 3 orang anak. Selamat juga digunakan pada kulit anak anak saya.

Nurul Ain Afiqah M


Great on scars

I use this religiously to treat my visible scars. Have been using Bio-Oil for a long time actually. The scent is also very pleasant. It has like an essential oil scent which is very pleasant.



Good for stretch mark

This product is known for improving the presence of stretch marks and scars. Honestly it takes time to see the difference la. Im also just started trying it as this is my first pregnancy. Lets see how this helps.

Dianah Fairuz


Best produk!

Terima kasih motherhood utk peluang try produk ni. Kwn2 ramai suggest utk pregnant mommies try Bio-Oil ni. Saya suka apply kat perut saya ni sebab stretch marknye ya ampun sgt terang. So far tak nampak sangat lagi kepudaran stretch mark tu tapi perut yang kering ni rasa lembut la lps apply bio-oil ni. Bau pun sgt menenangkan. Best!!

Arisa Khan


Produk yang best

Trmkasih motherhood approve sy sbg tester… Sy dh guna almost 2 weeks, so far sy suka sebab tak melekit.. Sy guna untuk kurangkan stretch marks..

Azimah Insyirah


Alternatif untuk kurangkan parut

Masa pregnant ni saya mudah ada parut, so saya guna Bio-Oil skincare oil natural untuk kurangkan parut saya. Saya suka sebab bau dia tak strong, and after sapu pada parut, memang tak melekit. Terima kasih Motherhood & Bio-Oil



Good for stretch marks

I’ve been using this Bio-oil skincare oil, and I like how it helps with my stretch marks especially around my stomach area..



Trusted brand for stretch marks

I used to feel it was too costly to use this and the reviews online said it takes time. I agree, it takes time to see results, however, this oil does help to moisturize the itchy parts of my stretch marks. The stretch marks are gone after i gave birth & i still use this on my tummy to massage. I would definitely get this again for my next pregnancy.

Annie R


MCT Bio-Oil Skincare Oil (Natural) 60ml

It's not oily at all as per its name nor sticky, perhaps it's fully absorbed into skin. It has a mild herbs fragnance maybe which is nice to smell and even relaxing for me. Bio-Oil Skincare Oil (Natural)is really good for me. This stuff is 100% natural, which is a huge win for any mama-to-be. No nasty chemicals here!

wendy Lee


Miracle in a bottle

Bio-Oil is a skincare miracle in a bottle. I've been using it for a while, and I'm astounded by the results. This oil is a lifesaver for scars and stretch marks. It has noticeably reduced the appearance of scars I've had for years. Plus, it's a game-changer for dry skin. It hydrates deeply without feeling greasy. The lightweight formula is a dream to apply and absorbs quickly. I also love its versatility; I use it on my face, body, and even in my hair to tame frizz. The pleasant, subtle scent is a bonus. Bio-Oil is a must-have in every skincare routine, delivering remarkable results and a confidence boost.

Norwahidah I


Stretch & Scar Mark Magic: Bio-Oil Skincare Oil (Natural)

Rating: ★★★★★ (5/5)Okay, seriously, Bio-Oil Skincare Oil (Natural) is the bomb, especially during my pregnancy journey. This stuff is 100% natural, which is a huge win for any mama-to-be. No nasty chemicals here!But here's the real kicker: it works like magic on stretch marks. I slathered this on religiously, and it was like my skin said, "Stretch marks? Nah, we're good!" It not only stopped new ones from popping up but also faded the old ones, leaving my skin looking way smoother.And can we talk about how it's not greasy at all? A blessing in Malaysia's humidity, trust me. This oil just soaks in, and I don't feel like a slippery mess.So, mamas, if you're on the baby journey, do yourself a favor and grab Bio-Oil Skincare Oil (Natural). Your skin will thank you later! ????????

Stefie Ps


My go-to product for moisturization!

I've been using Bio-Oil since the beginning of my pregnancy. As I was afraid that stretch marks could be permanent, I decided to use Bio-Oil from the beginning all the way till after I gave birth. At first I was skeptical that using oil could reduce stretch marks, so I was merely using this oil as a bonding session between me and my husband where I made it a routine for him to rub my belly and legs every night before bed. I even use it for my arms and breasts because it is not greasy and quickly absorbed into my skin. Now, I can proudly say that visibly I can't see big stretch marks on my belly, only some fine lines which are inevitable. The leftover I have from my pregnancy, now I use it on my arms and legs just to keep them moisturized. Really good product, truly recommended!



Mamacubatry - Bio-Oil Skincare Oil (Natural)

从以前就开始用Bio-Oil,到现在怀孕了也依然在用着。孕期用它真的很有效地减少妊娠纹,每天晚上必搽。每次搽了后皮肤会很柔滑很舒服。而且它使用天然成分,所以大人小孩孕妇都能安全使用。谢谢Bio-Oil让我在孕期时肚子还是美美的 ♡



Love Bio-Oil!

It's not oily at all as per its name nor sticky, perhaps it's fully absorbed into skin. It has a mild herbs fragnance maybe which is nice to smell and even relaxing for me. After almost 1 week of trial, it really brightens my skin although I can't see any significant reducing in stretch marks.

Mei Wei V


Reduce appearance of stretchmarks

Stretchmarks is a no-no for me, and so, I religiously apply products that can reduce or even prevent the appearance of stretch marks. I knew bio oil skincare oil natural, and I like it so far. Recommended!



Find back your confident with Bio Oil

I got this for my wife because after she gave birth, she is not confident with herself because of the stretch mark and so. Hence, I got this for her and noticed that her skin is smooth and it lighten the stretch mark. She is happy with the outcome.

Wei Ye Lau


Bio Oil kurangkan kesan parut & lembapkan kulit

I guna Bio Oil ni dah almost a year, I guna untuk kurangkan kesan parut. Sometimes kalau kulit kering pun, i applied sikit then kulit jadi moisturised.

Siti Natasa


Bio-Oil Skincare Oil

This Skincare Oil really help me a lot. The oil easily absorb to the skin and not so oily when use. Its helps improve to my stretch marks during my pregnancy. For my children, I use to improve their scar on skin because of mosquito bite.#MCTBioOil #freesample #freesamples #freesamplemalaysia #reviewmalaysia #MamaCubaTry #motherhoodcommy

Norshila S


MCT Bio Oil

So far, I’ve seen the biggest difference with the smaller, younger stretch marks on my stomach that cause from prgnancy and can barely even tell they’re there anymore! To be honest, I didn’t expect to see much improvement because I’ve always been skeptical of stretch mark products. Plus, it work wonder on my dark spot and help remove it. It very safe and effective for pregnant women and works well for all skin care needs

Nur Fadzillah B


Bio-Oil skincare Oil

Saya sangat suka Bio-Oil skincare oil ini kerana ia berkesan pada kulit saya.melembutkan kulit dan membantu mengurangkan stretch mark. Saya try dalam masa seminggu serius nampak kesan. Sangat bersyukur kerana berpeluang untuk cuba product yg bagus. Terima kasih motherhood kerana bagi mama cuba try this awesome skincare oil. #MamaCubaTry #MCTBioOil

Siew C


Bio oil

Kandungan dah cecah 8bulan sangat la membantu untuk kurangkan strech mark. Best sgt sbb mmg nampak ad makin pudar dan xberminyak pon




Terbaik.. perut sy banyak strechmark lepas bersalin dan kena gegata. Habis parut kulit badan. Sy terus gunakan produk bio oil dan sgt berkesan ! Setiap hari lepas mandi saya akan gunakan minyak ini. Selain tu, kulit sy semakin cerah dan lembut. Parut pun hilang! Terbaik!

Nor Syazwani B


bio oil is a magic oil

Bio oil,minyak pelbagai guna penuh ajaib Bio-Oil dirumus secara unik daripada 7 bahan – ekstrak tumbuhan seperti Kalendula, Lavender, Rosemary dan Kamomil serta Vitamin A & E, dan bahan unggul PurCellin Oil, yang membantu kulit menyerap khasiat dengan cepat agar kulit sentiasa halus dan lembut tanpa kesan melekit.Saya suka produk ini kerana dapat membantu melembapkan kulit,memudarkan kesan2 parut jerawat, menghilangkan kesan2 selulit di badan dan menghaluskan kulit. #MCTBioOil #freesample #freesamples #freesamplemalaysia #reviewmalaysia #MamaCubaTry #motherhoodcommy terima kasih @biooilmalaysia

norsafira A


Bio-Oil skincare oil

Saya sangat suka Bio-Oil skincare oil ini kerana ia berkesan pada kulit saya.melembutkan kulit dan membantu mengurangkan stretch mark. Ia juga bantu memudarkan parut. Saya sangat suka Bio-Oil skincare oil ini lagi kerana boleh digunakan dari hujung rambut hingga hujung kaki. Bau nya sangat menenangkan. Terima kasih motherhood kerana bagi mama cuba try this awesome skincare oil. #MamaCubaTry #MCTBioOil

Nurul sahzawani m


Bio oil skincare oil

This oil is great for your skin, at first I didn't believe the results, but when I started using it I could tell a different in my skin. With the stretch mark.Now I can leave without. I always keep it stock up. I Definitely recommend.

Fatin a


My Pregnancy Journey

Bio-Oil Skincare Oil have been part of my pregnancy journey,I start using Bio-Oil since my 3 months pregnancy.This is to less the strecth mark on my belly.I really love the texture that is not so oily.

Zara K


MCT Bio Oil

At first, i would like to Thanks to #MCTBioOil #motherhoodcommy, it’s my pleasure #MamaCubaTry allow me to have a try on Bio-OilSkincare (Natural) after gave birth. As we known, Bio Oil would help us on our tummy to even the color & also to reduce our stretch marks. Bio oil not only can apply on mummy, im still using it for my baby for the hair scalp, after apply, all the baby scalp will drop on the next day. The absorption was very good & will not feels the oily after applied. The Bio oil still come with a little good smelly. Below are the product details for the Bio Oil: synthetic fragrances and colourants parabens and phthalates 100% natural and GMO free it's totally safe for lactating and pregnant women too! CONTAINS A BLEND OF 14 NATURAL OILS, including 2 Vitamin Oils (Wheatgerm oil & Rosehip oil) 3 Base Oils (Soybean oil, Sunflower seed oil & Safflower seed oil) 4 Specialist Oils (Jojoba seed oil, Chia seed oil, Pomegranate seed oil & Inca Inchi seed oil) 5 Essential Oils (Chamomile oil, Lavender oil, Rosemary oil, Calendula oil & Patchouli oil) •.LOCKS IN MOISTURE - Soybean oil contains Vitamin E to help build skin's barrier and lock in moisture. UV RAYS PROTECTION - Sunflower oil helps protect the skin from harmful UV rays in the environment. ANTI-AGEING - Chia seed oil increases skin hydration, making it less likely to develop fine lines and wrinkles. © CALMING - Lavender oil can calm and soothe skin with its natural anti-inflammatory properties. ~ REDUCES PUFFINESS - Rosemary oil invigorates and eases congestion, puffiness and skin swelling. SUPPORTS SKIN HEALTH - High concentration of fatty acids help build healthy cell membranes.

Lee Sheau Min .


没有人不认识的Bio Oil

从第一胎开始用bio oil到现在第二胎依然在用着❤️ 虽然第一胎有一点的妊娠纹 但是每天很勤劳的涂bio oil 到现在第二胎目前怀孕 妊娠纹没有那么明显了!淡化了很多 重点是这个油很温和 敏感肌都可以放心服用的 味道不会很重 也很香的味道????怀孕的妈妈一定要选择bio oil 让肌肤肚皮保持美美的???? Bio oil 100%天然 ❌酒精❌香料#MCTBioOil #freesample #freesamples #freesamplemalaysia #reviewmalaysia #MamaCubaTry #motherhoodcommy 

Loh J



This is soooooooo good! Tbh, I’ve not putting high expectation in this bio oil. When I first applied, the oil texture is slightly on the thicker side compared to other brands. It is not easy to spread out on the skin. But trust me, you can feel your skin amazingly smooth after shower!!! Very bouncy and super duper smooth! I believe it can surely help to maintain your skin elasticity throughout your whole pregnancy journey

Natalie O


magic oil

saya sangat sukakannya melembutkan dan menghaluskan kulit, boleh juga digunakan untuk kulit kering dan memudarkan kesan2 parut jerawat.

norsafira A


Moms deserve the BEST

•Nice view, Nicer product•1 family, 2 kids, but the stretch marks are so serious as if I’ve had 30 kids, as worrying as my kid’s expression!Fret not! Bio-Oil can tackle this problem more effective than you could’ve imagined! How?Studies proved that visible results will be seen after 8 weeks, with at least 2 times of application daily. But I’ve only applied it for less than 10 times now, so if I tell you that my stretch marks have faded a little, itu mesti tipu punya lah!However, one major difference that I could “rasa” is that my skin feels instantly more moisturized after using Bio-oil, but not oily. The moisturizing effect lasts quite long too, for almost 12 hours! And with these strong findings on its effectiveness in improving the appearance of stretch marks, I’ll definitely continue using it till I achieve the result that I want. I believe Bio-oil will never disappoint me too. Well, a mom’s instinct never lies, I guess? ????#MCTBioOil #freesample #freesamples #freesamplemalaysia #reviewmalaysia #MamaCubaTry #motherhoodcommy

Yen Yoong L


Bio-Oil Skincare oil

A safe and natural skincare oil that can be used throughout the pregnancy. Helps to reduce the possibility of stretch marks during pregnancy and retain moisture. Recommended#MamaCubaTry #MCTBioOil

Hai Chen


Bio Oil Skincare Oil Natural

Saya sudah dapat Bio oil skincare oil natural..skincare yang sangat senang apply ..smooth je..bau pun wangi..sesuai juga untuk ibu2 mengandung..sebap bahan2 memang dari bahan semulajadi dan sesuai untuk yang ada strectmark..membantu merawat kulit kering,kusam..terima kasih bagi free skincare bio oil..

Norhaspanila h


Recommended product untuk ibu2 baru

Pengalaman pertama kali jadi ibu, semestinya banyak perkara belajar dari pengalaman yang cukup berharga. Apabila mengandung hingga selepas bersalin, stretch mark jadi tanda kenangan kepada para ibu especially ibu pertama kali macam saya, bila jumpa #MamaCubaTry Bio Oil dalam apps Motherhood, terus register untuk try tester. First time apply kat kulit, cepat je absorb?✨ dan efektif. Banyak benefit Bio Oil ni dan ianya 100% bahan semula jadi.#mctbioOil #freesample #reviewMalaysia #MamaCubaTry #motherhoodcommy

Nor Madihah M



我想没有人不知道Bio Oil , 主打祛除妊娠纹和疤痕 话说第一胎 很勤劳的Apply可以说完全没有妊娠纹,第二胎 只涂了几次妊娠纹也不是很严重 谢谢 #MCTBioOil #motherhoodcommy #MamaCubaTry 让我在产后 可以试用 Bio-Oil Skincare (Natural) 不但可以淡化妊娠纹还可以帮助改善肤色不均的问题,如果有疤痕也可以使用哦。吸收很快完全不会油油的,还有淡淡的香精味。❌ synthetic fragrances and colourants ❌ parabens and phthalates 100% natural and GMO free it’s totally safe for lactating and pregnant women too!CONTAINS A BLEND OF 14 NATURAL OILS, including 2️⃣ Vitamin Oils (Wheatgerm oil & Rosehip oil) 3️⃣ Base Oils (Soybean oil, Sunflower seed oil & Safflower seed oil) 4️⃣ Specialist Oils (Jojoba seed oil, Chia seed oil, Pomegranate seed oil & Inca Inchi seed oil) 5️⃣ Essential Oils (Chamomile oil, Lavender oil, Rosemary oil, Calendula oil & Patchouli oil)LOCKS IN MOISTURE - Soybean oil contains Vitamin E to help build skin’s barrier and lock in moisture. UV RAYS PROTECTION - Sunflower oil helps protect the skin from harmful UV rays in the environment. ♀️ANTI-AGEING - Chia seed oil increases skin hydration, making it less likely to develop fine lines and wrinkles. CALMING - Lavender oil can calm and soothe skin with its natural anti-inflammatory properties. REDUCES PUFFINESS - Rosemary oil invigorates and eases congestion, puffiness and skin swelling. SUPPORTS SKIN HEALTH - High concentration of fatty acids help build healthy cell membranes.#MCTBioOil #freesample #freesamples #freesamplemalaysia #reviewmalaysia #MamaCubaTry #motherhoodcommy怀孕中还是产后的妈咪快点去试试吧☺️ @biooilmalaysia

Vivian C


MCT - Bio-oil Skincare Oil

A safe and comprehensive solution for use throughout pregnancy. Natural ingredients use and help to keep skin moisture. Recommend.#MCTBioOil #freesample #freesamples #freesamplemalaysia #reviewmalaysia #MamaCubaTry #motherhoodcommy

Angeline Tioh


MCT Bio-oil Skincare Oil

a safe and comprehensive solution for use throughout pregnancy. Natural ingredients use and help to keep skin moisture. Recommend.

Angeline T


Bio-oil Skincare Oil

Nak introduced product untuk scar and stretch mark iaitu Bio Oil Skincare Oil. Bio Oil selain untuk parut ia juga sesuai untuk mums yang tengah pregnant, untuk mummy yang tengah pregnant boleh try gunakan mula dari awak pregnancy ia nya bagus untuk kurangkan kesan regangan dan rasa gatal bila perut makin membesar. Ia nya selamat digunakan kerana tak mengandungi bahan berbahaya iaitu 100% natural. Selepas melahirkan boleh teruskan untuk penjagaan kulit. Untuk yang nak hilang kan parut2 bekas luka or jerawat pun boleh guna.

Achu J


Love this skincare so much!

Since i have scar on my hand and stretch mark on my belly it really effective for both. This product helps perfectly. Recommended. Worth to try.

Syarizatul Azlin A


"Bio Oil Skincare Natural: A Multi-Purpose Miracle Oil for Beaut

I recently tried Bio Oil Skincare Natural and I am in love! This multi-purpose miracle oil has done wonders for my skin. It has helped reduce the appearance of scars and stretch marks, while also keeping my skin moisturized and glowing. I love that it is made with natural ingredients and is free of harsh chemicals. The lightweight formula absorbs quickly and doesn't leave a greasy residue. I highly recommend giving Bio Oil Skincare Natural a try for beautiful, healthy-looking skin. #mamacubatry

Siti Fatimah R



Loves the Bio-Oil Skincare Oil lightweight and non-greasy formula. Upon application, the oil absorbs quickly to my skin without leaving a heavy residue. This is especially important for me as I prefer products that allow my skin to breathe, and Bio-Oil delivers in that aspect. I’ve noticed a visible difference in the texture and color of my stretch marks after consistent use. The oil works by nourishing the skin and improving its elasticity, helping to fade scars and stretch marks over time. While individual results may vary, I have found Bio-Oil is effective in diminishing the appearance of these imperfections. Although Bio-Oil may takes some time to see noticeable results, however I noticed an improvement in my overall skin tone and texture with consistent use. If you're looking for a solution to address these skin concerns, Bio-Oil is definitely worth considering.

Josephine l


MCT Bio-Oil Skincare Oil

Bio-Oil Skincare Oil I chose Bio Oil because it's affordable and comes in a large bottle. The texture is light and moisturizing, without feeling too greasy. Bio Oil also helps reduce the existing strech marks.

Stella M


Bio Oil Skincare Oil

Hi uolls... Nak intoduced product untuk scar and stretch mark iaitu Bio Oil Skincare Oil. Bio Oil selain untuk parut ia juga sesuai untuk mums yang tengah pregnant, untuk mummy yang tengah pregnant boleh try gunakan mula dari awak pregnancy ia nya bagus untuk kurangkan kesan regangan dan rasa gatal bila perut makin membesar. Ia nya selamat digunakan kerana tak mengandungi bahan berbahaya iaitu 100% natural. Selepas melahirkan boleh teruskan untuk penjagaan kulit. Untuk yang nak hilang kan parut2 bekas luka or jerawat pun boleh guna. #mctbioOil #freesample #freesamples #freesamplemalaysia #reviewmalaysia #MamaCubaTry #motherhoodcommy

Nur Syafarina Balqis A


Bio oil

Produk yang sangat berkesan untuk menghilangka. Parut dan strech oil juga dapat membantu untuk melembabkn kulit yang kering dan tapak kaki yang merekah..produk yg harus dipercayai

Fatyn nadhiya


MCT Bio Oil Skincare

Saya memang pengguna Bio Oil Skincare semasa mengandung dan selepas czer kerana ia membantu menghilangkan parut

Nur Amanina B


MCT Bio Oil Skincare Oil (Natural)

Have seen many recommendations to use this oil during pregnancy hence gave it a try.Great absorption and doesn’t leave your skin sticky when it has completely absorbed.A little trick is to mix this oil with any body lotion that fits your skin type will give greater moisturising effect and longer lasting effect.

Janice L


MCT Bio oil skincare oil

Product yang sangat bagus untuk mengurangkan kesan terbakar pada kulit, mengurangkan selulit diperut, mencantikkan kulit dan parut-parut.

Lim C


Good product for every mummy

Thanks for bio-oil give me the chance to try it. After apply for one week, the stretch mark got slightly decrease. Will continue use it until the stretch mark disappear

Alicea Chiew


Good Product to try

alhamdulillah i have try this bio-oil skincare.Sangat sesuai untuk ibu mengandung. Rajin-rajin sapu dekat perut , peha dan bhgian yang ada strechmark. Slowly strechmark/scar akan hilang.Kita akan dapat result lebih kurang 8 minggu .This product does not contain parabens, phthalates and synthetic colours and fragrances. So ia selamat untuk digunakan ????

Fieza M


The best Product

Saya dah mencuba product ini, sesuai dgn kulit saya.. dan juga ank sy.. bau yg sangat wangi, dan melembutkan kulit.. juga memudarkan parut2 dan juga strechmark.. good quality ever!

Nor Shaqhirah Bt Mahadi


MCT Bio Oil skincare oil

Sy menggunakan bio-oil since 1st pregnancy lg dan bio oil membantu mengurangkan stretch mark pada perot saya. Ia juga tidak melekit malah mudah meresap jauh ke dalam kulit.

Nordalila bt rosli


Light and moisturizing

I chose Bio Oil because it's affordable and comes in a large bottle. The texture is light and moisturizing, without feeling too greasy. It doesn't contain any artificial ingredients and has a super pure formula.If I have another pregnancy, I'll still use Bio Oil .

Shaelyn M


Must have product for pregnant mommies ????

Im not a fan of oil. But due to my curiosity, i keen to try this bio oil on my stretch marks! After a week i try this oil, the marks became faded. Even though its an oil based product, it doesn’t make your skin really oily. I applied night time before sleep and wake up with a very smooth skin. I cant wait to purchase big bottle!

Nur Syafiqah


MCT Bio-Oil minyak yang sangat bagus dan berkesan

Saya dh mencuba MCT Bio Oil Skincare Oil Dan dapat merasakan kulit terasa lebih lembut dan kesan parut pun mula berkurangan..Kulit yabgs sensitif juga kurang kering dan kulit rasa lebih lembap.Memang berkesan.

Suzana I


Bio Oil Skincare Oil

My experience during pregnancy my first child was a stretchmarks on my belly. Its like a nightmare for me! I am worried if this stretchmarks will stay forever and i become ugly until i found this miracle oil which is Bio Oil Skincare Oil.I have been using it in a weeks and im satisfied with the result. Its so efficacious in improving the appearance of my stretchmarks. Im noticed my strecthmark slowly invisble. What i have done is just apply this Bio Oil twice daily and massage in a circular motion on my belly until fully absorbed.What i like with this Bio Oil Skincare Oil is the ingredients 100% natural and the textures is not oily and sticky. The most important its free from parabens, phthalates, synthetic colours and fragrances.Not only for stretchmarks its also good to improve scar appearance and uneven skin tone. Also not only can use for stretchmarks on the belly, its can for thighs, breasts, lower back, hips etc.So guys especially pregnant and after birth ladies get yours one this Bio Oil Skincare Oil. Trust me, you will not regret it and your confidence will boost!

Nurwazini .


Sesuai untuk ibu mengadung dan bersalin

Bio oil skincare oil ni memang dari dulu terkenal bagus untuk hilangkan parut. Ibu yang sedang mengandung dan baru bersalin sesuai pakai produk ni untuk hilangkan parut stretch mark. Saya pun ada try pakai di muka untuk melembabkan kulit. Ia berminyak tapi cepat meresap ke kulit.

Effa F


Bio-oil Skincare Oil

Bio-Oil is a specialist skincare product that helps improve the appearance of scars, stretch marks and uneven skin tone. Bio‑Oil should be massaged in a circular motion into the stretch marks, twice daily, for a minimum of 3 months. The smell just nice not too strong. Recommended.#MCTBioOil #freesample #freesamples #freesamplemalaysia #reviewmalaysia #MamaCubaTry #motherhoodcommy @biooilmalaysia

Jiey H



Bio-Oil has been clinically proven to improve appearance of scars and stretch marks. It can boost our skin elasticity and skin regeneration! Also love that their products are clinically proven and undergone skin tests. This means sensitive skin & pregnant women can use their products too.Me myself used this oil to prevent stretch mark during pregnancy and it works! This Bio oil is my partner for all gestation, it plays a super important role in my skin: it improves the appearance of blemishes, unequal tones, avoids and treats stretch marks. It’s my sweetheart since it has a light texture, not greasy, easy absorption and a very smooth aroma. Mommy here loves ^^,I love that this product does not contain preservatives, parabens, phthalates, synthetic colours and fragrances.The product smells very light and almost imperceptible that I liked. It has rapid absorption through the skin (always used after bath) and is very moisturizing, not leaving the need to apply another product on top.#MCTBioOil #freesample #freesamples #freesamplemalaysia #reviewmalaysia #MamaCubaTry #motherhoodcommy

siti z


Go away scar

Everybody say this is good for scar and stretch marks. I really love the scent and I makes me comfortable. I really recommend this for all mommy because we can put on our baby skin also.

Alta Jean Alfred


Reduce the stretch mark

I would say it is a good investment to have this. I am using it during my pregnancy and now after the delivery. It reduce the stretch mark during pregnancy. Need to consistent using it at least 3 month to see the result. Good for my belly stretch mark. The smell just nice not too strong. Recommended.

Nur Syafiqah B


My new favourite stretch marks oil

First of all, thank you to motherhood team for sending me this natural oil to try. It instantly becomes my favourite due to its all-natural ingredients. I have been using the original bio-oil for such a long time, and to switch to this version I honestly feel impressed because it delivers same result as the original bio oil. I apply this on my belly to reduce my post-pregnancy stretch marks and I like the instant soft and supple feeling afterwards. The smell is not overpowering which is good cos I am currently breastfeeding my baby. Will repurchase once finished!

Nurul Hidayah S


Bio-oil Skincare oil ( Natural )

The product is skin soothing and has a pleasant

Norhaspanila h


Pregnant mum

Im really thank you motherhood for give me a chance to try use this product.i feel good after using it, will not feeling itchy after using. Thank you

Kiu L


Daily skincare oil

幸好我有bio oil帮助我淡化疤痕。自从有了妊娠纹以后身边的朋友都一直推让我用bio oil。因为价格比其他护肤油来得更亲民,所以可以大大方方的往身上涂。质感不会很油(也许是我习惯了),也没有特别多的味道。虽然没有完全消失但可以达到这个效果我真的很满意了。

Set Lee C


Non-greasy & Light scent MCT Bio-Oil

Thank you Mothethood for selecting me as one of the lucky respective tester to test on the MCT Bio-oil. I love the non-greasy feeling and I didn't feel my hand sticky after i apply the bio-oil. The scent of the bio-oil is very light too. Currently i am on my 16weeks pregnancy. And I believe MCT bio-oil will accompany me along my pregnancy.

Wai Kuen G



This is first time i use bio oil.My skin feel good and suitable for my skin.Thank you mamacubatry for this sample.

Nor sorfina m


BioOil Skin Care

生物油护肤品很不错的产品,适合一家大小老少。 肚子上的妊辰纹淡化了需要,脸上的皮肤都光滑,最棒是一点都不会油油粘粘。 1. Bio-Oil is has been independently tested and proven to be non-comedogenic 2. Bio-Oil is suitable on the face, it is a great anti-ageing skincare product 3.Bio Oil is a specialist skincare product that helps improve the appearance of scars, stretch marks and uneven skin tone. 4.Bio Oil is formualted with the following all-natural ingredients: Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Calendula Oil, Lavender Oil, Rosemary Oil and Chamomile Oil which is soo good for our skinThose feel dehydrated or dry skin can use it It's working!

Shaniel Lee



Thank you so much motherhood for the sample gift bio oil for me. I like this and i can apply to my skin

siti nur ummira