Made By Nature, Made Better By Science.

With over 140 years of dairy expertise, Friso Gold strives to ensure that every can of formulated milk powder for children produced is of the highest quality.

Every day, fresh nutrient-rich milk produced by our specially bred cows are quickly transprted to our own factory in Holland for production into milk powder. This is where scientist apply our new LocNutri™ technology that uses mild heat treatment during the formula production process. LocNutri™ preserves the native structure of milk proteins, making it easily digestible for your child.

Friso Gold with LocNutri™ technology preserves nutrients. Nutrients in its native structure is easy to digest. This is why Friso Gold's LocNutri™ technology uses mild heat treatment during the formula production process to preserve the nutrients.

When your child has good digestion, he will be stronger from the inside, thus allowing him to explore more on the outside with you.

Get your FREE sample of Friso Gold or learn more about LocNutri™ technology at

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