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Exp : 18/08/2025 S-26® Promise® (New & Improved formula) The newly upgraded S-26® PROMISE® with Nutrissentials® now has an improved blend of nutrients to help better support your child’s growth and development in establishing a strong foundation for learning: AA & DHA Lutein to filter blue light and protect the eyes Now with Choline Now with...
Exp : 10/5/2026 The newly upgraded S-26® PROGRESS® with Nutrissentials® now has an improved blend of nutrients to help better support your child’s growth and development in establishing a strong foundation for learning:Increased levels of AA*, DHA* and choline* Lutein to filter blue light and protect the eyes Now with Oligofructose, a soluble dietary...
Producing powdered milk supplement that is designed to help your child’s IQ, Wyeth specially formulated milk powder makes an essential food essential for giving your child’s mental development, growth and digestive health and also an immunity development.
Menghasilkan susu tepung yang khusus untuk membentuk minda anak anda, susu tepung dari Wyeth adalah salah satu susu yang boleh membantu pembentukan minda, pembesaran dan juga sistem penghadaman mereka. Bantu anak anda dalam membentuk sistem imun mereka dengan susu tepung dari Wyeth.