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[Short expiry: 05/25] Suitable for all ages, its foam texture allows children to learn hand hygiene in a fun and enjoyable way. The foam can be used on babies from 3 months, children and adults to ensure good hand hygiene and limit the transmission of germs. The 50 ml format is ideal for family trips.
Ensure that your baby is always safe from harmful germs with products by Milton. With a variety of products like portable steriliser, travel steriliser, steriliser, disinfecting spray, wet wipes and many more that are designed to keep your baby safe and healthy, you will definitely be able to find the perfect one that suits you and your baby’s needs. Not only that, these products are specifically designed to be safe to use on your baby stuff as well to ensure that they remain protected at all times. Shop for these baby products and more at now to enjoy online promotion and deal!
Pastikan bahawa bayi anda sentiasa dilindungi daripada kuman yang berbahaya dengan produk Milton. Dengan pelbagai jenis barang baby seperti sterilizer, keperluan bayi, barang keperluan bayi, barang baby murah dan lain-lain lagi yang direka khas untuk memastikan bahawa bayi anda kekal selamat dan sihat, anda pasti dapat beli yang paling sesuai untuk keperluan anda dan bayi anda. Bukan sahaja itu, barangan bayi mereka juga direka khas untuk memastikan bahawa ia selamat digunakan dengan barang bayi anda untuk melindungi mereka. Beli barangan baby online di sekarang untuk mendapat promosi yang terbaik sekarang!