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New Age of Laundry by Using Magnesium. Non-Toxic. Chemicals Free. 100% Mineral Based. Baby Safe BABY MAGCHAN utilises the power of magnesium to clean your laundry. It Cleans, Deodorizes, and Eliminates bacteria with NO detergent needed! Fragrance-free, Textile-friendly and Antibacterial, BABY MAGCHAN doest not contact synthetic chemicals, so no residue...
New Age of Laundry by Using Magnesium. Non-Toxic. Chemicals Free. 100% Mineral Based. Baby Safe BABY MAGCHAN utilises the power of magnesium to clean your laundry. It Cleans, Deodorizes, and Eliminates bacteria with NO detergent needed! Fragrance-free, Textile-friendly and Antibacterial, BABY MAGCHAN does not contain synthetic chemicals, so no residue is...
New Age of Laundry by Using Magnesium. Non-Toxic. Chemicals Free. 100% Mineral Based. Baby Safe BABY MAGCHAN utilises the power of magnesium to clean your laundry. It Cleans, Deodorizes, and Eliminates Bacteria with NO detergent needed! Frangrance-free, Textile-friendly and Antibacterial, BABY MAGCHAN does not contain synthetic chemicals, so no residue is...