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Christmas can come at any time with this crafting kit! Mould and paint up to six adorable magnets, including a cute reindeer, a beautiful Christmas tree, and even Santa Claus himself. For ages 5 years and up.
4M is a toy's brand that combines both fun and education at the same time. Established in 1993, 4M manufacturers a number of creative games and craft kit for kids, allowing them to experiment and learning through the games themselves. Most of the products from 4M focuses on science, experimental kind of activity that involves all three components of science - Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. You can choose from a wide range of series, such as KidzLabs, Paint Your Own Mini, or 4M STEAM and many more. Let's make education fun for your kids with 4M toys at today!
4M merupakan jenama alat permainan yang menggabungkan keseronokan dan pendidikan pada masa yang sama. Ditubuhkan pada tahun 1993, 4M menghasilkan beberapa permainan kreatif dan craft kit untuk kanak-kanak, membolehkan mereka untuk bereksperimen dan belajar melalui permainan. Kebanyakan produk dari 4M memfokuskan kepada sains, aktiviti eksperimen yang melibatkan ketiga-tiga komponen sains - Biologi, Kimia, dan Fizik. Anda boleh memilih dari pelbagai siri, seperti KidzLabs, Paint Your Own Mini, atau 4M STEAM dan banyak lagi. Jadikan waktu belajar lebih menyeronokkan untuk anak-anak anda dengan alat permainan 4M di hari ini!
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