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Website ini sangat berguna buat kami yang bergelar ibu
Sangat vagus, Dan harga sangat berbaloi...
Super Savers for Combo Pack!
It is a concentrated solution packed in 480ml bottle. 1 pump of dish wash can be diluted up to 6 times of water. It can also be used as a fruit and vegetable wash. The product does not contain paraben and heavy metals.
Baby safe, gentle on sensitive skin, it can also be used as a fruit and vegetables wash.
Baby safe, gentle on sensitive skin, low suds. It can also be used as a fruit and vegetable wash.
You want the best for your baby and so do we. The range of baby bottle & accessories cleaners available in are your best choices in ensuring all your feeding apparatus fresh and clean. Offering multiple ranges of relevant cleaning products. Remove those dirts and germs from your little ones' items with these items and give yourself the perfect assurance for your baby’s health and cleanliness.
Selain dari, anda juga semestinya mahu segala yang terbaik untuk bayi anda.. Pelbagai pembersih botol bayi & aksesori yang berada di adalah pilihan terbaik anda dalam memastikan semua alat makan si manja anda kekal segar dan bersih. Menawarkan pelbagai produk pembersihan yang relevan. hapuskan kotoran dan kuman dari barang-barang kecil anda dengan barang-barang ini dan berikanlah jaminan yang sempurna untuk kesihatan dan kebersihan bayi anda.